Top 10 Miserable Mindsets You Might Have That Really Annoy Other People
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Your mindset is your strength. More and more people are realizing the power of their mindset, but when is it too much, and when does it go too far? Do you have a personality that makes other people crazy?
While embarking on my daily scroll, I came across the question, “What kind of people’s mindsets outright infuriate you?” It got me thinking, and the answers were interesting, so I’m here to share them with you.
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Willful Ignorance
“Willful ignorance or ignorance is bliss mindset, is terrible. You’re saying you would instead remain ignorant than learn and grow, even if it means offending or hurting others,” one stated.
“For example, I tried to tell my sister something I saw about animal agriculture, and she replied, “I don’t want to know. Singing la, la, la (while plugging her ears) and shouting ignorance is bliss.”
Crab Mentality
“Having a crab mentality is harmful and immediately what came to mind,” replied one. “Crab mentality is a way of thinking best described by the phrase ‘If I can’t have it, neither can you.”
Someone shared that they had worked with underprivileged youth and witnessed kids whose parents put down their dreams as if insulted their kids had aspirations of being more.
Another said, “Similarly to crab mentality, the idea that if someone or some group is benefiting in some way that you feel is oppositional to you, you are getting less of something. Is that like a zero-sum game?”
“Anti-intellectualism,” declared one. “I grew up in that environment (school, not home), and it was awful to be bullied for simply wanting to learn and do well at school.”
“You’re not smarter than me just because you went to college, that’s true, but when you’re talking to a doctor, there’s a high chance that they’re more informed about the field of medicine than you, and that’s ok!”
Ignorance + Arrogance
“A deadly duo of harmful mentalities, ignorance, and arrogance,” replied one. “As an RN, this has become far more prevalent since COVID, at least in medicine. Maybe I imagine things. I know anti-vax/alternative medicine people have always existed.”
“Still, I don’t remember them being so numerous and SO loud about their beliefs until the past few years. It seems like I have patients and their families questioning my and the physician’s knowledge and expertise daily, which I feel I only had to deal with now and then in the “before times.”
One-Upper Mindset
“People that feel they need to one-up you,” suggested one. “For example, I say, ‘I’m tired.’ They reply with, ‘you think you’re tired….’ Then go on to explain why. Dude, it’s not a competition. We can both be tired.”
Another shared, “College had so many of these people. I would always one-down them. ‘You think you’re tired? I slept three hours last night from studying.’ – ‘Girl, I can’t even function without my 10 hours.”
Can’t Look at a Situation From All Points of View
“One anti-growth mindset that sucks is when they can’t look at the entire situation from all points of view. So instead, they stay stuck on their own.” Another added, “Similarly, black and white thinking.”
“They think if not A, then certainly B, even though there are 24 other letters of the alphabet. So you’ll spell out in baby language why your opinion is gray or C, but all they’ll hear is not black or not A, and therefore it’s got to be white or B.”
When Someone Is Overconfident and Completely Wrong at the Same Time
“When someone is overconfident and utterly wrong at the same time. Confidently incorrect,” voiced one. “These are the most dangerous individuals. They can get so many on their side because they are confident,” added a second user.
I Went Through It, So You Do as Well
“I went through it, so you do as well. I always find it weird when parents are like that. You’d think parents want their kids to be experiencing life better than they did. ‘We had to go through this. So you have to, too’ mindset is punishing the next generation for the mistakes of the last,” a third person stated.
You Don’t Have the Right To Speak About X Until You Experience X Yourself
“You don’t have the right to speak about X until you experience X yourself. That’s the basis of humanity’s success: learning from other people’s experiences,” shared one.
A second stated, “My rebuttal to this was always, ‘I don’t need to try heroin to know it’ll probably destroy my life.’ It happened to you is an anecdote. It doesn’t make you a leading expert on the subject.”
Free Speech, but Only If I Agree with You Mentality
“Anyone who believes in free speech, but only if the person speaking is saying something they agree with,” said one. “Otherwise, they should be silenced, crucified, and canceled. It’s a terrible mentality and common.”
Source: Reddit
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.