10 Foods Most People Love While Others Find Them Absolutely Disgusting
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In the world of food, personal preferences can vary greatly, and sometimes we find ourselves disliking a popular dish that others love. The question arises: “What’s a food you hate that everyone else loves?” This question invites individuals to share their unique aversions to commonly enjoyed food items.
To begin, someone mentioned, “Seafood For whatever reason, my brain is hardwired to find pretty much any food that comes out of the water to be reprehensible.”
From Blah to Bliss
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Another comment was, “Kaviar and oysters.”
A user said, “Truffles. Not the chocolate ones, the nasty mushroom ones.”
A second user replied, “Truffles in any form. No, I am not rich! Lol. I am actually quite easy to feed. Just can’t stand the taste or smell. They ruin anything they touch, IMO.”
Herbs and Spices
One comment was, “Cilantro. Smells and tastes like a stink bug.”
Another comment was, “Mint, including in toothpaste.”
A user replied, “Coconut. I like the flavor, just not the texture.”
Another user commented, “Beets.”
Goat Cheese
One person said, “Goat Cheese.”
A second person replied, “Yogurt.”
Organ Meats
A popular comment was, “Everyone hates liver-well everyone except my ex.”
Another comment said, “liver, body waste system filter.”
Pumpkin Spiced Everything
A user replied, “Pumpkin spice flavored things. I don’t like the pumpkin spice flavor at all, honestly.”
A second user said, “Matcha, anything. It goes against my white woman nature, but it tastes like dirt to me.”
Egg Nog
A popular response was “Egg Nog.”
Another popular answer was, “It’s a drink, but I can’t stand root beer.”
A user replied, “Based on my life experience, I might be the only person in the world who doesn’t like olives. Black or green – olives are the worst. I hate them on pizza. I hate them in salads, and I hate their entire existence.”
Pickled Foods
One comment was, “Sweet pickles. Pickles should never ever be sweet.”
Another comment was, “It’s funny, I hate pickles, and I STILL hate pickles, but my hatred for pickles made me not try other pickled things. Now, I like most pickled things except pickles still.”
Baked Beans
A popular comment was, “Baked beans. We grew up poor, I never much liked them, but we had them a lot when we were kids. Eating something you don’t care for, over and over and over, isn’t enjoyable.”
Another comment was, “Black-eyed peas..absolutely disgusting.”
Cheap Frosting and Sweets
One person said, “The cheap ass frosting on cupcakes.”
A second person commented, “Licorice. Bleh!”
Cotton Candy
A user said, “Cotton candy.”
Another user said, “I’m okay with actual chocolate, but can’t stand chocolate flavored things. Chocolate cake, ice cream, icing, etc., are a hard pass.”
One most-liked comment was, “Coleslaw. Disgusting.”
Another comment was, “Corn on the cob. Yes, I’m very aware that butter and salt taste great.”
Someone suggested “Canned Tuna.”
Another suggestion was, “Nutella. Sickeningly sweet. I can’t deal with it. More for everyone else, though!”
Hard Boiled Eggs
A user replied, “Hard-boiled eggs. The smell absolutely disgusts me. I can’t be in the same room when they’re being prepared or even eaten sometimes.”
Another user added, “Meatloaf, I’ve tried many from different people, tastes nearly the same. It’s either just a dryer or greasier version of each other.”
A person said, “I hate ketchup but love tomatoes.”
To finish, someone commented, “Ranch! Moved to the midwest from the land of green chile and have resigned myself to living within the hellscape that is the American midwestern love of ranch.”
Source: Reddit
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