10 Things Long-Term Couples Crave from the Early Romantic Dating Days
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Ah, the honeymoon phase of a relationship—the time when everything feels exciting, new, and full of passion. As relationships evolve and years pass, long-term couples often find themselves yearning for those early days of romance. Get ready to rediscover the essence of those enchanting early days and reignite the flames of love!
The Excitement
One noted, “The excitement. The constant sweet words, day and night.” Another agreed, ” Yup, definitely the excitement of a new partner.
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And how it used to date whenever we saw each other, which were by design just fun times focusing on spending time with each other. We don’t date anymore.”
Getting Ready
“Getting ready to go see him,” shared one. “I used to spend hours prepping myself and choosing an outfit to get ready to go see him. Don’t get me wrong.
I LOVE that he loves me with my morning breath and bed head and wouldn’t judge me if I go a couple of days rocking the same outfit. Still, something was just so fun about having a ritual to get ready for a date and hoping he thinks I look pretty.”
Making Out
Many women in the thread agreed that making out was underrated. One woman asked, “Ughhh, the make-out sessions for sure! Why do those always die off?” Others added that make-out sessions on the couch were great.
“There’s nothing I miss from the beginning because we’ve continued to carry forward all of the things that brought us joy and happiness. The nearly 18 years we’ve been together thus far have been the most fulfilling of my life,” confessed one.
Talking to 3:00 AM
“I miss talking until three in the morning,” one exclaimed. “There was just so much to discover!” A second agreed, “The discovery is primarily for me. I miss learning new and exciting things.
After enough time, you’ve heard every story, and there are no more depths to plunge to anymore. It does have the silver lining of knowing I will not be shocked and horrified by anything, but I surely miss the discovery.”
His Infatuation
“His infatuation made me feel like a goddess,” one confessed. “I miss that feeling. It’s there sometimes, but it’s not that same intensity.” Several other women suggested they missed the infatuation.
Lazy Days
“Our lazy days,” one noted. “We’d spend most of the time in bed, watching movies and eating whatever we found in our fridges or ordering take-out.” Many women added that having kids changed that part of the relationship, and they also miss it.
The Scent on the Bed
“The biggest thing I miss from the early days is when we weren’t living together yet, and he would spend the night, and then the next day, when he was gone, I could still smell his scent on the bed,” one confessed.
Lack of Responsibility
One shared, “The lack of responsibility. My husband had his place. I had mine, and everything was just fun; no major decisions to make, no significant hurdles to endure just yet, that kind of thing.
Everything was just fun and carefree in the early part of us. Life can get rough. Figuring out our finances, future, parents dying, health issues, everything. It’s sometimes been challenging, but I’m glad we have each other to get through it.”
Finally, one admitted, “He used to blush when I called him cute, adorable, handsome, etc. But, of course, now he’s used to it, so it doesn’t happen anymore. But, it was adorable while it lasted.” Source: Reddit
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