15 Dickish Ways People Showed Their True Colors To Their Friends
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Friendships are built on trust, shared experiences, and the belief that you’re close-knit. However, there are times when a friend’s behavior can catch you off guard and reveal that the bond you thought you had might not be as strong as you believed. Join us as we dive into the realm of friendship dynamics and discuss those moments when a friend showed their true colors in a rather unpleasant way. From hurtful comments to thoughtless actions, this is a space to share your experiences and explore how these eye-opening encounters can help us reevaluate our relationships and set healthier boundaries. Let’s navigate the intricacies of friendships and learn from the challenges that come our way.
Vanishing Act
Many people have recalled friends just vanishing. They used to answer all their messages and calls, then all of a sudden, they were nowhere to be found. It was as if they’d disappeared from their life without any explanation, leaving them wondering what went wrong and why they’d distanced themselves.
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Plan Ditcher
Friends often make plans together, but there is often that one friend who constantly cancels last minute. It is totally frustrating, but to make matters worse, it can hurt even more when you run into said friend out with other people. One person recalls running into her best friend out at a bar when her friend told her she had a stomach bug. It ended their friendship pretty fast.
Every conversation revolves around them. They rarely ask about your life, your experiences, or your thoughts. It’s as if your presence exists solely for them to share their own stories and concerns, leaving you feeling unheard and unimportant. A person who was ditched by a friend even said he tried to reach out after a Facebook post, and the friend pretty much told him to “eff off” and that his problems are his own.
Memory Fade
Throughout the years, friends often share important events and milestones with each other. But sometimes there is always that friend that forgets birthdays, achievements, or personal moments, like wedding anniversaries. Their lack of remembrance makes you question whether they truly pay attention to your life. One friendship was ended when a bride screamed at her bridesmaids for singing happy birthday to her maid of honor on the party bus to the wedding. It was her maid of honor’s 30th birthday.
Topper Tendencies
We all have that one friend who has to top us. Whenever you share a story or accomplishment, they immediately have a similar but more impressive experience to share. It’s as if they can’t help but try to one-up you, leaving you feeling like your achievements are overshadowed. A story shared showed that these friends hate being called out. A guy called out his mate for constantly doing this, and his friend got up and hasn’t spoken to him since.
Compliments with a Catch
Friends are supposed to give each other compliments. However, this friend’s compliments often come across as backhanded or insincere. It’s as if they can’t genuinely acknowledge your achievements without adding a touch of criticism or sarcasm, making you question their true intentions. One woman said her friend complimented her on a dress she wore to a wedding, saying it was “absolutely beautiful” and she looked “stunning.” Less than 10 minutes later, she received a Snapchat from the same woman. It was a picture of her, and the caption read, “The ugliest girl and dress at this wedding.” She had sent it to her instead of her sister by mistake.
Social Media Snub
Despite being tagged in your posts and photos, your friend never seems to engage with your content. It’s as if they intentionally ignore your online presence, leaving you unnoticed and unappreciated. A couple of people remember realizing that their “friend” didn’t want others to know they were hanging out or actually friends at all, so they wouldn’t tag them in pictures. One even recalled her friend saying, “I didn’t want people to know I actually knew your name.”
Emotional Absence
When you’re going through tough times or celebrating your successes, this friend is nowhere to be found. Their lack of support and presence during your highs and lows can be hurtful, making you question whether they truly care about your well-being. A person remembers asking a friend to pick him up after surgery for internal bleeding. His family lived across the country, and he had no one. His “friend” never responded, and he had to have some random guy from work pick him up. He spent the night alone in pain.
Insensitive Listener
Whenever you open up about your feelings or vulnerabilities, this friend either brushes it off or changes the subject. Their lack of empathy or understanding makes you feel dismissed and reluctant to share your thoughts. A friendship was ended when a woman’s father had passed away, and her best friend at the time told her that she had more important things to do than go and comfort her on a rough day. This was only two days after the death.
Trust Breaker
We often feel like we can tell our friends anything. You confided in them with personal information, only to find out that they shared it without your consent. Their breach of trust makes you question their loyalty and respect for privacy. One person said a friend tried to spread personal information about him all because his girlfriend had told him that other people should know. It was about getting a DWI, and the girlfriend tried to say, “She didn’t want other people getting into a car with him.”
Event No-Show
Throughout friendships, there are large events that happen in each other’s lives. Whether it’s a graduation, wedding, important show, or special dinner, you expect each other to show and support. However, sometimes one friend doesn’t think events are as important as the other. One person remembered how a friend missed their surprise birthday party because her boyfriend wanted to go out for Mexican instead. They haven’t spoken since that day.
Hollow Apologies
Friends often make mistakes and we hope that each would be willing to apologize for the mistakes that happen. But, when they mess up, their apologies feel insincere and lack genuine remorse. It’s as if they only apologize because they feel obligated rather than truly acknowledging their mistakes. One woman shared that her best friend used to just ignore things she did wrong or her rude actions, and when called out, she would look at you, roll her eyes, and just say “sorry” in the most insecure way. She realized that she no longer wanted to befriend someone like that.
Critical Adviser
Most people hope their friends will support them with their decisions and life choices. Sometimes friends don’t; however, these friends consistently criticize your choices and offer unsolicited advice. It’s as if they believe they know better than you, leaving you feeling judged and undermined in your decision-making. One person said their friend flat out refused to acknowledge her engagement or be a part of the wedding. She comes to find out that her so-called friend had been Facebook messaging her boyfriend, trying to hang out with him and hook up with him. One time when she was in tears about the whole thing, her fiance finally showed her all the unresponded messages.
Cheater Cheater
When we are little, we often have that one friend who constantly cheats at games. We wonder what that person will be like when they grow up, and often they do not change. Sometimes the cheating even gets worse. A man described an awful time in his life when his friend started texting his girlfriend behind his back, telling her that he was cheating on her. He wasn’t and later found out the friend was trying to get with his girlfriend.
Lifestyle Change
Finally, we are often friends with people with the same hobbies and interests. These friends enjoy doing the same things, making it easy to hang out together. One person said they lost their best friend because they decided to quit drinking. The friend stated, “ you’re no longer fun.”
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