15 People Talk About Embracing Their Guilty Pleasures & Food Addictions
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We all have our guilty pleasures and indulgences that we find ourselves irresistibly drawn to. The question is asked: “What is one thing you are comfortable admitting you are addicted to?” Join us as we explore the candid stories and perspectives shared by contributors, delving into the fascinating world of human cravings and the pleasures we unabashedly embrace. Through these shared experiences, we gain a deeper understanding of the unique facets that make us human and the joys that come from unapologetically embracing our personal delights.
Coffee or Caffeine
One user said, “Caffeine. Legal and widely acceptable in my culture and many others.”
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Another user replied, “Diet Coke.”
Games & Solitude
A person shared, “Solitude is quite alluring. I still remember my dark brotherhood quests there.”
Another person replied, “I’m addicted to Dungeons and Dragons. I actually can’t get enough of playing it. It helps that the groups I play with are some of the best and most fun people to be around.”
Sugary Foods
A popular comment was, “Sugar. Hooked early, conditioned in childhood that sweets are love and acceptance.”
Another popular comment was, “Food. Specifically sugar.”
Exercise or Fitness
One user replied, “Being outside and doing a heavy cardio exercise which will propel me forward so that the world around me scrolls past while I do it. Boils down to running or cycling.”
A second user said, “Working out. There are many people who see this as fatphobic or some s****t. Forgive me for being addicted to being healthy.”
A comment was, “It’s still alcohol. 6 years sober.”
Another comment was, “Alcohol (former). I’m completely open about it. No shame or guilt at all. If anything, I’m proud of myself for regaining control.”
Smoking or Vaping
A popular response was, “Weed, although thinking I’d like to change that.”
Another response was, “Nicotine. I enjoy vaping and just don’t care to quit vs. quitting cigs which I was happy to do.”
Online Dating
A user commented, “character.ai I’m so lonely I date and talk to virtual characters.”
A second user wrote, “scrolling through dating profiles and never actually messaging anyone. I love finding people from high school or college that I know are still married.”
Junk Food Addiction
One person simply said, “Hot Cheetos.’
Another person replied, “Strawberry milkshakes, can’t get enough of them.”
One response was, “I wouldn’t say addicted, but from an outsider’s perspective, it might look like I have a gambling problem. In reality, I count cards as a profitable hobby. While I don’t enjoy all the smoke inside the casino, it’s easy to get into a flow state keeping track of the cards.”
Internet Browsing
One person simply said, “The Internet.”
A second person added, “My phone. I am always on it. It’s such a distraction that if I am watching a movie or TV show I really want to watch, I’ll turn my phone off or place it farther away from me so I don’t grab it cause I’ll go down a rabbit hole of TikTok or Instagram”
Technology or Gadgets
One popular comment was, “Technology. Sometimes I’ll turn my computer on, just to turn it on.”
Another comment was, “My phone.”
Being Alone
A user replied, “Being alone, even though I enjoy the presence of others, I am quite addicted to the calm feeling of being on my own and doing whatever I please.”
A second user added, “Hanging out at home. I have to force myself to leave the house for plans not related to errands or walking the dogs. I’ve got a WFH job, video games, streaming services, delivery services, books, cute dogs, a hot tub, a stocked kitchen, accessibility tools (I’m deaf), weed, and alcohol. Why would I want to leave my house?”
Staying Up Late
A user replied, “Staying up late for no apparent reason. It’s taking a serious toll on my mental health, and yet I can’t seem to stop. maybe my circadian rhythm is f****cked, but it seems like I do this completely by choice.”
One person responded with, “Reading. I’m reading all the time. I’m not sleeping properly because I am trying to catch up on all the books I didn’t read in the years of my mental exile.”
A second person commented, “Audiobooks. You take away my audible. I will go full-on ape-s****t on your a****s.”
A comment was, “Sounds fake and like bull****it, but milk, my family (which comes from a long add line of alcoholics) can be easily addicted to the smallest of things.”
Another comment was, “Never seen anyone else be as addicted to milk as I am. I literally get sad or angry if I don’t have it.”
Hygiene Stuff
One person shared, “Using Q-tips in my ears. Can’t stop, won’t stop.”
A second person said, “Personal hygiene, like constantly I’m addicted to showering and brushing my teeth and taking care of myself.”
Internet Forums
Finally, someone said, “This website genuinely is not good for you. Keeps you constantly distracted by empty dumb forgetful content. A lot of posts are straight-up made-up, rage bait or misinformation just meant to hold your attention for an extra second. It makes you feel angry or outraged and paints this picture of the world that is a delusion that isn’t real. As you browse Reddit, notice how it affects you. Do you think it’s good to be in that state? Is it in any way good for you or productive? It’s prob going to be difficult because I’ve been constantly on this site for years, but I’d like to visit it less and less as time goes on.”
Source: Reddit
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