15 Surprising Truths That Fill Us In On ‘Healthy’ Habits
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We often adopt habits that we believe are healthy, but what if some of them aren’t as beneficial as commonly thought? The question is asked: “What habit is generally perceived as healthy but really isn’t?” Join us as we explore surprising insights and candid perspectives shared by contributors, delving into the complexities of health and wellness. Through these experiences, we understand the importance of critically evaluating the habits we adopt for a truly nourishing lifestyle.
To begin, someone said, “I mean, I’d say it’s like any exercise regimen. If you use bad form, you’re gonna have a bad time. Unfortunately, a lot of the cross-fit gyms push the idea that ‘form doesn’t matter, just do whatever it takes to lift the weight.’ And that’s a horribly dangerous and irresponsible message to tout.”
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Someone else replied, “Excessive running can be very bad for you. Running on concrete with crappy/no shoes, poor form/stride is asking for knee and hip problems as well as possibly screwed up back. Learn proper form, buy some good shoes, and try to find a track or grass area to jog in.”
Restrictive Diets
One person said, “Gluten-free food. If you aren’t gluten intolerant, gluten is actually quite healthy. Gluten-free products are packed full of sugar and other chemicals to replace the natural properties of gluten. Seriously just stop.”
Another person said, “A lot of vegan food… it carries an effect called the “Health Halo” because if it’s vegan, it HAS to be healthy, right? Actually, no… a lot of the vegan baked goods, chips, candy, etc. are actually WORSE for you because of added fats to replace animal ingredients.”
Excessive Water Consumption
One user replied, “’You’re Dehydrated!” (The Eight Glasses of Water a Day Myth)”
A second user added, “drinking insane amounts of water daily.”
Overusing Hand Sanitizers
A popular comment was, “Constantly sanitizing everything. Certain things need to be sanitized for safe use but a lot of bacteria that keep our immune systems functioning/improving are destroyed in the process, leaving us susceptible to diseases we could have been immune to.”
Excess Supplements Intake
Someone suggested, “Taking supplements, especially in large amounts, with no proof that you are deficient in what those supplements provide.”
Avoiding Healthy Fats
One person replied, “Fat-free. They fill those foods with sugar to make them taste good. End result is they normally have more calories.”
Teeth Brushing
One user said, “Brushing your teeth right after a meal. It actually compounds the damage that acids in food/beverages do to the enamel. Source: NYTimes (which is fact-checked).”
Excessive Drinks
One comment was, “Drinking tons of juice. Juice contains a lot of sugar and is only marginally better than soda.”
A second comment was, “Meal replacement shakes. Most of them are loaded with sugar and other questionable ingredients.”
Ignoring Rest Days
A user replied, “Being a workaholic. At least in America (and probably some other places, like Japan), even if you have a horrible home life and aren’t a very good person, you’ll get credit for working hard. The problem is overemphasizing work is why the other areas of your life are falling apart.”
A second user commented, “Only sleeping 6 hours a night because you are such a workaholic. America f****king loves workaholics. Some of us actually enjoy living and sleeping.”
Extreme Cleansing & Detox Diets
One person commented, “ “Cleansing.” It’s all bul****it.”
Another person added, “Detoxing.”
Overconsumption of Herbal Teas
A user replied, “Beware of detox teas and supplements. One of my instructors, also an MD, explained many cases of liver failure he sees are caused by the use of “detox” chemicals that were ironically intended to improve liver function. Often an interaction/someone with preexisting conditions, not saying a healthy person will be hospitalized by using one.”
Excessive Health Gadget Use
One person said, “Cleaning out ear wax. It’s supposed to be there, on the outside of your ear. Pushing it farther into your ear doesn’t help much.”
A second person commented, “Stop using Q-tips. You are pushing the wax further in.”
One comment was, “Marijuana, if you’re chronic and you smoke it, you’re going to have lung issues sooner or later… maybe not cancer, but emphysema or something like that.”
Another comment was, “Vaping, i did it for a week after my last cigarette, and I could just feel this gross layer of gunk building up at the back of my throat.”
Overdoing Vitamins & Minerals
A user commented, “Drinking vitamin water is good for you because you get a lot of vitamins with your water. It’s so loaded with sugar it can be compared to soft drinks.”
A second user replied, “Taking a bunch of naturopathic medication and supplements. My mom is taking so much that I am convinced that some medication/supplements she takes are to relieve side effects from her other medication/supplements.”
Extreme Organic Food Focus
Someone suggested, “Buying from Whole Foods. More often than not, you’re getting almost identical food with 2-3x markup (compared to Vons).”
Someone else said, “Organic fruits and vegetables, for the most part. Organic pesticides are not proven to be any safer than non-organic pesticides (in general), and since they are far less effective, they are usually used in higher concentrations. Organic meat and eggs do have superior nutritional value (in some cases), but you have to do your research.”
Source: Reddit
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