15 Things To Do When You Love Someone That Doesn’t Love You Back
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When faced with the complexity of loving someone who doesn’t share the same feelings, people often find themselves navigating a maze of emotions and decisions. Some choose the path of introspection, delving deep into their hearts to understand their affection’s origins and depths. Others may grapple with a rollercoaster of emotions, experiencing moments of yearning, sadness, and frustration as they come to terms with the unreciprocated love. Despite the pain, some individuals might continue to hope, holding onto the possibility that circumstances could change.
Move On
“Love can be a really challenging and isolating emotion to feel especially when you’re not receiving it in return. Many people have said it’s just time to move on. If you’re offering love to someone who does not appreciate or reciprocate it, that should be a sign that it is time to move on.”
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Work On Yourself
“Take time to work on yourself. Don’t get it twisted, though. Just because someone doesn’t love you back does not mean you’re the broken one or the one that “needs” the work. However, think of this time as a way to find yourself again and begin to heal.”
Accept It
“A harsh reality of someone not reciprocating the love you give them is hearing “accept it and move on.” Sometimes we need to be told the truth, and the truth hurts. It’s time to accept that this relationship will not progress any further, and it’s time to move on.”
Know Your Worth
“One great piece of advice that was offered was, “Love yourself and know your worth.” Someone who knows their worth knows that someone who is unaccepting of your love is not worth your time and love.”
Close The Chapter
“A hard realization for many people is that you don’t heal from an emotional wound in a day. Sometimes it’s just best to grieve what was lost, feel the pain, and begin to close the chapter on that part of your life.”
Realize It’s Over
“Come to the realization that this person doesn’t love, and they probably never will again. It hurt, it sucks, and the cut will feel fresh for a very long time, but the sooner you come to the realization, the sooner you’ll be able to move on.”
Look For Distractions
“Find a distraction! Finding a new hobby or a good distraction is a great way to help pass the time and reconnect with yourself or friends and family that you may have disconnected from while being in a relationship.”
Find Support
“Rely on your support system. Everyone should have at least one person in their life that they can talk to and confide in. Get together with this person and talk out your feelings. If you don’t have someone, see a therapist. It may sound weird to see a therapist after a breakup, but breakups can cause a lot of emotional and mental distress, and there’s nothing wrong with working your way through it with support.”
Find Space
“Give yourself some space, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut this person completely out of your life, but for now, it’s a good idea to find some space you own, and they’re not a part of. So be it if finding space for yourself means blocking their contact and social media. Everyone’s grieving process is different.”
Work On Yourself
“Work on yourself, connect with a hobby you once had a passion for, go to the gym, try something new you’ve never tried. This is a great time in your life to find out what makes you tick. You can’t love someone to the fullest if you don’t already love yourself.”
New Routines
“Change your routine, go to bed earlier or later, wake up earlier or later, just do something to change your routine. If you and your partner used to go out to eat every Friday, go to eat by yourself on Wednesdays now. Just shake things up to avoid falling into old habits.”
Get Rid Of It
“Get rid of everything that reminds you of them. You don’t need it anymore. Get rid of it unless it’s something of significant emotional or monetary value. This isn’t to say you need to burn it all, but getting it out of your sight can be a healthy way of moving on.”
Don’t Find A Rebound
“When someone doesn’t reciprocate the love you are offering, it’s easy to fall into the rebound trap. Don’t do this, don’t jump into a new relationship because you’re feeling unloved. Rebounds rarely ever work and ultimately delay the healing process.”
Many Fish In The Sea
“Do realize that just because one person was unaccepting of your love doesn’t mean everyone will be. There is someone or many people out there for everyone. Don’t get caught up in a rut with one single person that denies your amazingness!”
Give Yourself Grace
“Give yourself grace, and don’t talk to yourself like you are a loser. Thinking about the negative things you might be saying to yourself in your head. Are these things you’d tell a friend? If you say no, then give yourself some grace. Have self-talk in the way that you speak with a friend going through a breakup.”
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