15 Unforgettable Out-of-Touch Celebrity Moments
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In the glitzy world of fame, there are moments that make us do a double-take. Ever chuckled or rolled your eyes at a celebrity’s out-of-touch antics? Let’s dive into these unforgettable instances that bridge the gap between stardom and reality, giving us a peek into the fascinating world where the celebrity bubble meets the real world. Get ready for a rollercoaster of amusement and incredulity as we explore the quirks and blunders that keep us talking!
Lady Gaga
To begin, a user replied, “Lady Gaga tweeting fame is a prison.”
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Gwyneth Paltrow
A comment was, “Gwyneth Paltrow. No specific example, just everything she does.”
Another comment was, “It’s much harder for me — I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as hard. Of course, there are challenges, but it’s not like being on set.” That quote from her just makes my blood boil.”
A third comment was, ‘That time Gwyneth Paltrow was going to try and see what it was like to live on food stamps, so she went to the grocery store with like $25 dollars and bought 7 limed. hahaha”
Justin Timberlake
One user said, “Justin Timberlake complaining about how during covid he had to take care of his kid 24/7. “We’re mostly commiserating over the fact that just 24-hour parenting is just not human.”
A second user added, “Another out of touch moment from that person- when he had the video at his wedding making fun of homeless people. Ick.”
Kendall Jenner
A person commented, “This entire scene, Kendall not knowing how to slice a cucumber and Kris yelling “Chef, can you cut that for her?” The whole thing was just.”
Another person replied, “Actually, anything said by Kendall J is out of touch.”
A third person added, “Kendall Jenner: “I was never one of those girls who would do like 30 shows a season, or whatever those girls do.”
A popular comment was, “Any time an influencer complains is insufferable. They’re getting paid lots of money and, a lot of the time, given a lot of expensive products for free just for the marketing. I see influencers post TikToks with their to-do lists for the day for “work,” and it’ll have stuff like “wake up,” “make bed,” “eat breakfast”? It’s out of touch and annoying.”
Tyra Banks
One response was, “How has no one mentioned Tyra Banks? Literally, everything she said on her talk show was tone-deaf, and it was hilarious. No matter what a person’s struggle was, she always found a way to make it about herself. And those “experiments” when she would pretend to be part of a discriminated group? Like the one where she wore a fat suit and the other one where she pretended to be homeless.”
Lily-Rose Depp
A user shared, “Lily-Rose Depp thinks the nepobaby stuff is totally the same with other professions. “If somebody’s mom or dad is a doctor, and then the kid becomes a doctor, you’re not going to be like, ‘Well, you’re only a doctor because your parent is a doctor.”
Kim Kardashian
One popular comment was, “Kim K telling women to get off their butts and work.”
Another popular comment was, “Or the time she tried to say that growing up rich was worse bc of the expectations her parents put on her.”
A third comment was, “Kim Kardashian flying 50 people to a private island during peak Covid “to feel normal” for a few days.”
Heidi Montag
A comment was, “Remember on The Hills when Heidi Montag was asked about the diversity of her friend group, and she said, “We are diverse… Audrina and Mischa have darker hair.”
Hilária Baldwin
One user replied, “All things Hilária Baldwin.”
Another user added, “Starting with changing her name from Hillary to Hilária.”
A third user said, “So bizarre. Wouldn’t her behavior be considered a legit mental illness to just pretend to be Spanish? And speak with an accent even though you’re not Spanish? Like… what?”
Chrissy Teigen
One person replied, “Chrissy Teigen tweeting about how her mom is constantly losing her AirPods and she’s had to buy her ten pairs- which is easily more than $1k all told.”
Justin Bieber
An interesting comment was, ‘“Anne was a great girl. Hopefully, she would’ve been a Belieber.” I don’t think it’s horrible, just funny and self-absorbed, lol.”
Taylor Swift
A user commented, “I love Taylor, but right when the pandemic started, and a lot of kids were (rightfully) upset about missing their last semester of high school and graduation, she said something like “I missed my high school graduation, too. Because I was on tour for Fearless.” Babe, that is not the same. ”
Another user replied, “When she talked about being sad about missing out on the college experience while living in NYC and partying with her friends nonstop like girl, that IS the college experience.”
Ariana Grande
One person said, “Ariana calling herself “the hardest working 23 year old human being on planet Earth” lol. I still don’t know if she was fully serious, but I’m confident that she’s embarrassed by it and would never say something like that nowadays. She’s definitely grown A LOT since that era.”
Vanessa Hudgens
Finally, a user replied, “Vanessa Hudgens response to Coachella closing because of Coronavirus “Like yeah, people are gonna die.”
Source: Reddit
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