16 Things Guys Secretly Dislike About Each Other
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We’ve delved into the thought-provoking inquiry: “Men, what aspects do you dislike about other men?” This presents an occasion to delve into the complexities of masculinity, confront stereotypes, and gain insights into the behaviors or characteristics that can be aggravating or disheartening. Whether it concerns societal pressures, toxic masculinity, or specific behaviors that bother you, we are here to attentively listen and embrace the diverse perspectives and experiences of men.
Toxic Masculinity
To begin, a user commented, “Power handshakes. We’re exchanging a polite greeting, and some blokes seem to think if you squeeze the heck out of my hand, I’ll respect you for it. No, you’re a ******* who believed in a management textbook about establishing dominance. In fact, it makes you come across as someone who’s trying too hard.”
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Lack of Hygiene
A comment was, “If everyone could stop peeing on the floor in front of the urinal, THAT WOULD BE GREAT.”
Macho Posturing
One person wrote, “Dudes that wear Tapout shirts and fedoras…and say bro a lot.”
Objectification of Women
A user said, “When guys comment on girls’ Facebook pics with idiotic crap like wow se****y, hey beautiful ;), and other things that reek of desperation.”
A second user added, “I hate when other guys try to bond with me by objectifying women….”
Aggressive Behavior
One user replied, “I hate the guys who drink and try to fight everybody, including their own friends.”
Another user commented, “Someone who is always looking to fight someone or are trying to show they are better at whatever.”
A most-liked comment said, “I hate how other straight men automatically assume a gay person is hitting on them whenever the gay speaks to them. Like, no, you’re not that attractive, Mark. Gays don’t think, “Oh, I want to f****k the s**** out of that guy” every time they see another male.”
Another comment was, “As a gay man, I hate how a lot of guys think that coming is the only purpose of s****x and refuse to become decent at or at least try other things like foreplay.”
A second comment said, “There are certain guys who talk like they’re 100% right and say things I just don’t agree with. religion, politics, actual facts. and they drone on and on.”
Dismissive attitudes toward women’s issues
A user commented, “Guys who treat women like some alien species incapable of being understood or dealt with rationally. Guys, they are just people and more like you than they are different. Just talk to them, take a chance if you are interested, or treat them like you would any other random mother bleeper if you ain’t.”
Alpha Male Mentality
One interesting perspective was, “When my roommate walks around the house with his balls hanging out of his pajamas to establish dominance.”
A second person added, “Most of what I hate about men is what I also hate about a lot of women. That alpha competitive sh**** everyone keeps harping is not completely gender neutral.”
Inability to Express Emotions
One user suggested, “Guys can’t seriously talk about anything that bothers them. Holding everything in emotionally can be a pain.”
Dominating Behaviors
A person wrote, “Bullying. It doesn’t stop in high school. It escalates. And the victims are often children, women, the elderly, the poor — or anyone who can’t fight back.”
Resisting Personal Growth
A most-liked comment was, “Dudes who can’t fend for themselves when it comes to domestic duties. Learn how to cook a couple of meals, clean a toilet, turn on a vacuum, and develop some other simple homemaking tendencies.”
Disrespectful Behavior Toward Women
One person commented, “Men that treat their girlfriends/wives like sh***t just because they can, and they know they are not gonna leave them.”
Judging Others’ Interests Or Hobbies
One comment was, “The obsession with being 100% masculine at all times about everything they do and judging others for not being super masculine. Chill, and it’s okay to like flowers and “girly” colors.”
Judgmental Attitudes
A user replied, “Guys who hate their wives. They act like it’s normal to hate being married or something, but it sounds miserable. My wife is my best friend. I can’t imagine it any other way.”
Refusal to Acknowledge Children
A popular comment simply said, “If you have a kid, raise them. Be a fu****ing father, you sh****t bag.”
Another comment said, “Guys who refuse to take care of their kid or that act like they don’t even exist!”
In conclusion, hearing from Redditors about their thoughts and experiences regarding what they dislike about other men has shed light on various perspectives. It’s important to remember that everyone’s experiences and opinions may differ, and generalizations should be avoided. By engaging in open and respectful discussions, we can gain a better understanding of different viewpoints and work towards creating a more inclusive and understanding society.
Source: Reddit
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