18 Simple Markers of Poor Education
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We all encounter individuals who exhibit behaviors or beliefs that seem to reflect a lack of knowledge or intellectual development. In this exploration, we invite you to share your observations and experiences. What are the telltale signs or behaviors that scream “poorly educated” to you? From misconceptions and uninformed opinions to language misuse and critical thinking deficits, let’s shed light on the markers that can be associated with a lack of education.
Grammar Mistakes
To begin, a user replied, “I hate seeing “balling” when people mean “bawling.” I know it’s a less common word than there/their/they’re, but still.”
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Another user said, “When someone is apprehensive about something, and they claim to be “weary” of it. Jesus Christ Almighty, it’s wary or leery.”
Spelling Errors
One most-liked comment read, “Social media posts with bad spelling.”
Another comment was, “Spelling a lot as one word.”
Weak Math Skills
One user replied, “Every. Single. Internet. Math. Problem.”
A second user wrote, “It’s surprising to see how weak math skills can affect everyday situations. From struggling to calculate a tip at a restaurant.”
Historical Ignorance
A popular comment was, “Lack of understanding of basic historical/scientific facts.”
Another comment was, “You use air quotes whenever you say the word “historians or scientists”.”
Scientific Misconceptions
An annoyed Redditor wrote, “I will never understand flat-earthers. You can literally see the curvature of the Earth depending on where you are.”
Another Redditor replied, “Lack of critical thinking and dismissal of science and the scientific method.”
Belief in Conspiracies
A user said, “Everything is a conspiracy theory.”
Another user added, “These people have flooded the market and ruined the (now) 0.1% of conspiracy theories that have possible credibility. 20 years ago, there were like 1k theories. Now, I couldn’t even guess the number.”
Style Choices
One Redditor commented, “I can’t say why. But car/truck windows with all the decals and text. Little sayings and death tributes.”
Cultural Unawareness
A user replied, “Treating people who speak with an accent like they are ignorant or inferior. These people are literally communicating to you in a second language to them….”
Another user added, “Choosing to hate something they don’t know anything about.”
Weak Reading Skills
One user commented, “Bragging about not reading.”
Another user said, “Being proud of not reading.”
Poor Critical Thinking
A funny comment was, “If this post gets 200,000 shares, a big corporation will donate a kidney to this brave little girl in desperate need.” Actually, commenting and sharing a FB post to win a custom RV because the last person they tried to give the prize to was underage, so couldn’t accept it. Or anything of that.”
Another comment was, “A refusal to admit that you’re wrong or don’t know something. An inability to objectively analyze something (an article, an opinion, etc.).”
Being An Imposter
One user said, “Claiming you know all about something really advanced that requires years of teaching and practice (law, medicine, science, engineering) all because you watched a few bad youtube videos that only confirmed your bias. And you’re certain you must be correct because a few famous people have the same opinion.”
Voting Behaviors
A popular comment was, “Voting exclusively against your own interests and repeatedly denying the evidence that proves it.”
Another comment said, “Voting against your own interests.”
Superficial Understanding
One Redditor replied, “Using buzz words without knowing what they mean. Especially when you ask them to clarify what they are talking about, and they continue regurgitating the same buzz words.”
A second Redditor commented, “Reading a headline and thinking you now know the whole story.”
Inability To Cite Sources
A user wrote, “Refusing to hear or analyze data.”
Another user wrote, “Believing literally everything from the internet. Worse, spreading online “news.”
At Home Researcher
A most-liked comment read, “Do your own research” or “I did my own research”… Among my educated friends, some who actually are in research, no one actually says that out loud. Because they don’t need to say that out loud.”
Misuse Of Basic Facts
A Redditor wrote, “Not knowing incredibly basic things that any child should have learned.”
Lack Of Intellectual Curiosity
One user said, “The biggest one is a refusal to learn when a person refuses to admit when they are wrong and accept a new truth when faced with compelling evidence.”
A second user replied, “Lack of curiosity/unwillingness to learn.”
Ignorance Of World Affairs
A person replied, “We should support Russia.”
Finally, someone said, “Inability to draw from multiple sources to weigh a conclusion. It’s the “As seen on TV” crowd and not just from the special section at Walmart.”
Source: Reddit
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