Deceivingly Lifelike: Victoria’s Reborn Doll Causes Confusion with Her Sister
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Trauma is a devastating and challenging ordeal, often leaving a lasting impact on individuals. It is our sincere wish that those who undergo such distressing events seek the necessary professional support to navigate their trauma, heal, and embark on a journey toward recovery and personal growth.
The Story
A woman sees that her sister, who suffered trauma recently, has found a coping mechanism but feels it may not be the healthiest way for her to move forward. She wants to help but isn’t sure how to approach the situation for fear of further traumatizing her sister or losing their relationship all altogether.
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The original poster (OP) began by saying that she has an older sister who has experienced a number of traumatic events in the last few years. The biggest and most recent was about a year ago when her sister lost her baby to a rare genetic disease. She says this was hard on her and her husband, and due to the stress and trauma of the loss, they ended up divorcing. Her sister has had difficulty coping since the loss and her divorce.
Reborn Doll
She says that to cope with the loss of her child, her sister purchased a reborn doll – one of the super realistic baby dolls meant for people who lost or can’t have children to dress up and care for. The woman thinks it’s very creepy and feels that this may not be the best coping mechanism but says that her sister has been generally in better spirits since she bought it, so she doesn’t feel it necessary to share her opinion on it.
Treats the Doll as if it Were Real…
The problem that OP is having with her sister and her sister’s doll is that she insists the doll is real and treats it just as real as if it were an actual baby. This is why she feels that it may not be the best coping mechanism for her sister. She says she brings it to family gatherings and will change it, pretend to feed it with a bottle of water, and drive it around in the car seat she and her previous husband bought for their deceased child.
Heartbreak and Trauma
She says she has asked her sister to come to do things with her in the past, but there have been a few occasions where her sister declined or canceled plans because her doll was “sick.” She has not brought this up to her sister because of how sensitive of a topic it is, but other family members have expressed similar sentiments to what she is feeling toward her sister and her doll.
East Holiday
The woman was tasked with hosting the upcoming Easter holiday this year, and she wants her sister to be present because she says she cares about and loves her very much, but she wants her to be there with her family and the people who love and care about her without the doll. The situation has left her wondering if she tells her sister not to bring the doll, will it further her trauma or destroy their relationship altogether?
The Internet Weighs In
A top comment stated, “NAH, but trying to ban the doll is not the answer. She needs therapy badly, and while you can’t force her to do that, trying to force it is not the answer. Your heart is in the right place, but it might be better to approach her about therapy first.”
A second user said, “Technically, YWNBTA for asking her not to bring the doll, but only technically. It’s your home, and as the host, you have the right to ask. But it’s a bad idea. I’d wager that it’s more likely that your sister wouldn’t come to Easter at all rather than leave the doll at home.”
Reactions Continue
A third Redditor said, “Why not suggest you’ve made up a room so when the baby needs a nap, she can go upstairs? Give her a safe space to be without the doll for a short period of time. Gradually extend it each time she comes around. This is not going to be fixed for a long time. If she were wearing an item of clothing or jewelry or drinking too much, people wouldn’t be so quick to judge. She needs space just to do what feels right. Let her come to the conclusion of therapy when she is ready.”
Another Redditor added, “NAH, though it is a very shi**y situation for everyone to be in. It is very clear that your sister is suffering very much from the recent loss of her child and the ending of her marriage. Your sister is indeed coping, and it isn’t healthy unless she is actively in therapy, and there is a plan to help her move past the doll being a substitute for her lost child.”
Concerns and Words of Advice
A user had this to say, “NAH, but what is most alarming is that she truly believes it’s real. That’s a very scary delusion that, if left unchecked, can develop into something much worse. This isn’t about Easter dinner, she really really needs therapy, and I know you said she declined, so I would talk to a professional and see what they suggest. For the time being, though, maybe just let her bring it.”
A Redditor also stated, “NAH, but your sister needs professional help quickly. I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs.”
Finally, a Redditor offered this, “Your sister is traumatized. The doll is a coping mechanism, albeit an unhealthy and ultimately unhelpful one. Your sister isn’t an a*****le for using a psychological crutch; it may be the only thing keeping her going right now. You aren’t an a****le for not wanting to have to humor that crutch, especially when it’s interfering with your sister’s ability to interact with people, as well as confront & process her own grief.”
Source: Reddit
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