Shut The F! Top 10 Expressions Women Despise Hearing Out of Other Women’s Mouths
Shut The F! Top 10 Expressions Women Despise Hearing Out of Other Women’s Mouths
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Are there any expressions that you are sick to death of hearing come out of other women’s mouths? You’re not alone! After someone polled the internet for examples of these annoyances, these are the top-voted phrases women are sick of hearing from other women.
1. Boys Will Be Boys
Someone shared that the expression “Boys will be boys” was the worst thing a mother said to them about her son. She elaborated her son required a hospital visit after receiving an injury from a group of boys jumping on him.
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The mother dismissed the situation with “Boys will be boys.” Additionally, her elementary-aged daughter had a boy bullying her so severely that she “came home with bloody knees, bruises, and even a black eye, which is where I drew the line.”
Finally, the teacher dismissed the bullying with “Boys will be boys” and was ultimately fired. What a harmful mentality to teach our girls.
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2. He’s Mean Because He Likes You
Another person shared that her friend told her daughter that a boy bullying her at school was “mean to her because he likes her.” They elaborated that they nearly kicked their friend out of their home after that statement.
“It is a statement that prolongs abuse culture. Do not try to teach my daughter that a boy in class mentally and physically abusing her is a man’s portrayal of love. I could not believe what had come out of his mouth.”
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3. Don’t Work Out Too Much, Or You’ll Scare Away A Husband
One woman shared that her mother told her teenage daughter that she “shouldn’t work out too much because the muscles will scare away a husband.”
They elaborated, finding it “creepy that she was looking at my daughter.”
It’s also a horrible stereotype that I would never allow my daughter to believe. She doesn’t need to change her body for a man’s approval.
4. We Should Catch Up Sometime
One user added the annoyance of bumping into someone from high school in a public setting. They always say, “We should catch up sometime.”
They clarified that that statement means it’s never going to happen. No one is contacting anyone. “It’s a nicety at this point, and I don’t enjoy fake conversations under the guise of catching up or making up for the lost time.”
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5. Wow, I Love How Confident You Are
Someone confessed to cringing when thin women approach curvy women with the statement, “Wow, I love how confident you are.” Another added that they feel the same way when women say, “I can’t believe how confident you are. I could never be confident at that size.”
6. Men Don’t Like A Woman Who
Several women agreed that the “Men don’t like a woman” statements are the worst. For example, “Men don’t like a woman who slouches,” or “Men don’t like a woman who curses.”
Someone admitted their mother said both of those to her growing up. Additionally, they explained their mom “based my learning manners on how to serve a future husband’s desires.
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7. Women Without Children Will Never Know True Love
One woman noted that the older generations at church were overly obsessed with when the younger generation of unmarried women was going to have babies.
She clarified the dreaded statement, “Women without children will never know true love.” Noting it is a ridiculous assumption. “You can enjoy your life without devaluing my life experiences and choices; thanks.”
8. The Bible Says Woman Should Remain Modest
Many agree that religious women are too pushy with imposing their beliefs on other women. One gave an example, “the Bible says women should remain modest.”
They confirmed that if you want strong religious beliefs, that’s fine, but you have no right to push them on others who can make decisions for themselves.
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9. Aren’t You Afraid Of Dying Alone?
“I enjoy a child-free lifestyle because children are a big expense that I don’t choose to invest in,” shared one. Additionally, they said they choose to remain single. People have asked her variations of “Aren’t you afraid of dying alone or going to a run-down nursing home?”
To which she replied, ” No. I’ll afford the best caretaker money can buy and live out the days in my summer home down south. Thank you very much.”
10. Why Don’t You Want To Stay Home and Cook?
Do you know any women who ask, “Why don’t you just find a husband so you can stay home and cook?” Someone confirmed they are disgusted by how “brainwashed” many women are regarding independence.
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Finally, they clarified that if your ambition is to be a stay-at-home mom, that’s perfectly acceptable. However, it would be best if you didn’t discredit women who want a career and have other aspirations in life.
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