Embracing the Next Generation: 15 Things We Can Learn from Gen Z
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The topic of intergenerational differences and the accompanying generation gaps has long been a subject of discourse and contention. With each wave of societal evolution, the values and attitudes of subsequent generations undergo transformations. One such divide exists between older generations and Generation Z, often known simply as “Gen Z.”
It is crucial to acknowledge that generalizations cannot encapsulate an entire generation, but some individuals may harbor concerns or frustrations regarding certain aspects of Gen Z’s behavior or cultural norms. In this conversation, we explore the query: “What aspects of Gen Z do you find most dislikable?”
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Tech Dependency
To begin, someone said, “Old millennial here that doesn’t hate Z at all. I do feel bad, though, that you guys didn’t get to experience your fun years without cell phones. Concerts and parties were way more fun without 15,000 people filming ridiculous videos no one wants to see.”
Another person added, “This is coming from someone who currently works at a high school. I hate the dependence that so many of these kids have on their phones. I’ve had countless students almost walk right into my golf cart while I’m at a complete stop because they’re so engrossed in whatever is on their phone that they lose all situational awareness.”
Weak Communication Skills
A popular comment was, “The lack of communication skills.”
A second comment was, “It’s that you guys will not greet people you don’t know or put effort into any of the polite behaviors that actually create community with other individuals of all generations. No disrespect to anyone. It is just so unpleasant to be ignored and feel invisible in your presence.”
Social Media Obsession
A user replied, “As a fellow Gen Z, all I can say is, the things we decide to make TikTok trends are absolutely ridiculous.”
Another user said, “I don’t hate Gen Z, but I’m very concerned for them. Their nigh complete immersion into virtual spaces and social media has borne some very unhealthy behaviors.”
Short Attention Spans
A person commented, “My only concern is that you sell your attention by the minute to big corporations and fail to see how this fuels exploitation and capitalism. I hate that you’re taken advantage of, your psyche is destroyed by addictive apps, and you can’t do anything against it.”
Entitlement and Laziness
One comment was, “Im Gen Z, and I wouldn’t say hate; I would rather say annoy. One thing that really annoys me about my generation is that we are too weak -mentally. I’ve talked to older generations in my family and outside of my family, and they were and are much stronger mentally than our generation. I personally know and talked with older generations who went through war, and sacrificed a lot to have a decent life today, and I admire how brave they really are. We aren’t brave. We do not know what sacrifice really is. Our generation is weak and selfish.”
Sensitivity and Cancel Culture
A very annoyed person said, “I’m from Gen Z., And nothing annoys me more about how everything is offensive and how ridiculous cancel culture is. I’ve seen other people say that it’s gotten bad, especially with this generation, but man, I swear, like, even 10 years ago, it was not this bad. It just keeps getting worse, and honestly, some people just need to take a stick out of their ass and think for themselves.”
Another said, “Elder millennial here. Gen-Z is offended by just about anything.”
Lack of Global Awareness
One user replied, “Let’s see the crying, whining, complaining, entitlement, and most of all, that they have strong opinions with almost no actual data to support it.”
A second user added, “Not hate, but you gotta stop thinking that everything you read on the internet is one hundred percent true. Do your research!”
Materialistic Tendencies
A funny comment was, “I’m personally just upset that your generation has driven up the cost of thrift and vintage clothes and made it harder to find the gems. (But also, yay Zoomers for being so eco-conscious!).”
Mental Health Issues
A user thought, “Gen Z using Tik Tok to self-diagnose themselves with ADHD, autism, depression, OCD, etc., is a big concern.”
Disrespect for Authority
One person suggested, “I don’t hate anything about gen z. In fact, I birthed 2 of you. The only thing that bugs me is how some of you call everyone older than you a Boomer. Boomers are a specific generation. Believe it or not, I’m just an old-a****s millennial.”
Political Disengagement
One smart user replied, “Your voter turnout ratio sucks. Be more like those old evangelicals. Turn it out.”
Lack of Critical Thinking
A popular comment was, “Most of us lack critical thinking skills. The way boomers believe everything on Facebook, teens, and young adults believe everything they hear on ticktock and in general. It’s so embarrassing to explain something so basic to someone who takes it as gospel because another teen said it was true in a 12-second online video.”
Exposure to Explicit Content
One disgusted user said, “It looks like there’s some trouble brewing with male teens (so late gen Z-ers?) following the terrible advice of Andrew Tate and his ilk. That would be a huge issue. We do not need another generation of young men being lost to neofascism.”
Image Obsession
A person suggested, “If your gen could stop feeding into bad “influencers” who don’t deserve attention.”
Another funny person wrote, “ How dare you bring back skinny eyebrows. Do you understand what we did for you, making thick eyebrows a thing? My god, I’m furious.”
Difficulty with Work
One comment was, “Y’all can be really frustrating to work with professionally. I figure a lot of you either weren’t well prepared for the working world by our undercut public schools, or you just don’t buy into the system and don’t believe that hard work or applying yourself will get you ahead.”
Another comment was, “Gen Zers I’ve worked with carry a chip on the shoulder attitude that hard work won’t pay off, and it shows in their work – leaving slack that others on the job site, others who have to buy into the system because they have kids, or a medical condition, or any number of factors – have to pick up.”
Source: Reddit
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