10 Things Adults Admit Their Mom Still Buys For Them
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Does your mom still buy you something despite the fact you are a full-grown adult? You’ve got company. Recently, someone asked what those items are, and here are the top-voted responses.
10. Candy
“I said once, in 1999, that I liked Cherry Cordials. To this day, she presents me with a pack every Christmas,” replied one. “A block of chocolate on my birthday,” a second person said. Finally, a few people agreed that candy was something their mom still bought them as adults.
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9. Themed Gifts
One person shared, “Elephants. I had big ears growing up (I grew into them, thankfully), and when I watched Dumbo for the first time, I fell in love. Since then, whenever my mom sees an Elephant (with its trunk facing up, of course), she’ll buy it for me.”
Another admitted, “Anything she finds with llamas on it. My family has called me ‘Llama Tina’ since The Emperor’s New Groove came out. My dad used to be the one to send me the random llama gifts, but since he passed away last year, she’s taken up the tradition.”
8. Beauty Products
Related Article: Gifts to Buy Your Picky Mom
“I’m fortunate. My mom is a hairdresser, so most of my hair supplies are bought by her. I usually get hairspray, dry shampoo, regular shampoo, and conditioner for every birthday and Christmas.”
“Usually, if I need stuff in between, she buys them for me even though I ALWAYS tell her I’ll bring her cash, but she refuses me,” replied one. Another added, “My mom buys me my favorite Korean beauty products.”
7. Stockings
“My mom still fills a stocking for us, and now our spouses. All four of us are over 40 now. We love going through them and seeing what she’s found over the year. She tries to give us spare medicine, too. I got Flintstones gummy vitamins last time I was over there,” someone shared.
6. Costco Goods
“Large packages from Costco. My mom will rock up with toilet paper, giant tins of tomatoes, a massive roll of al foil, etc. She likes the Costco near where I live, so once every few months, they’ll drive up to visit it and drop a heap of stuff off on their way home,” one said.
“Also, if I try paying her for it, I’ll wake up the following day with the money transferred back into my bank account.”
Another added, “Mine shows up with things like Columbia shirt jackets, underwear, socks, fuzzy blankets for the sofa, house slippers, flannel shirts, and other mom gifts from Costco.”
Related Article: Amazing Costco Appetizers
5. Advent Calendar
“An Advent calendar, every year without fail,” someone replied. Another agreed, “Yup, she buys two, and my dad and I get to pick which one we want. I love it, and it’s a super fun tradition.”
4. Nothing
One person shared, “Nothing. We’re estranged. Mom’s gifts always came with strings. Eventually, I figured out that was part of a much larger dysfunctional pattern and didn’t like the sides of myself she brought out.”
“I am commenting for people who have mixed or angry feelings about the topic. It is not uncommon. But, unfortunately, some of us drew the short straw in this part of life.”
3. Food
“Random food to take home with me. I have no idea why. I live 3,000 miles away,” someone confessed. “In my 40s now, and for some odd reason, my mom still buys me canned foods from time to time. No clue why I told her it’s not necessary a few times, but she blows it off,” said another.
“Food,” a third said. “My mom usually finds good foods I don’t normally eat or buy. She’s a grandma in the making.” “The only thing I’m not allowed to do is pay for my food at restaurants,” a final person commented.
2. Socks
“I’m 34 and single, so socks and undies,” shared one. “Socks. It took me a while, but at least now I buy my own underwear,” another said.
A third person replied, “My mom gets me a mountain of socks. I love it, and I never buy socks.” Finally, someone said, “I see a fellow of good family values! Welcome to the club!”
1. Underwear
One person exclaimed, “Underwear for Christmas! I look forward to it every year because I need it but never want to spend money on myself.” Several others agreed that underwear was their number one voted gift from mom despite being adults.
We hope you enjoyed this Reddit picks list of items adults admitted their moms still buy for them.
Also, check out how to find that work-life balance when you’re a busy working mom.
Image Credit: Canva
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