The Ultimate Guide to Angel Numbers
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You’ve seen a sequence of repetitive numbers that pop up on your phone, on license plates, reading the newspaper, or on a billboard. It could look like numbers 222, angel number 333, or, my favorite, time of day 11:11. You could see repetitive number sequences anywhere and at any time, and it probably caught your eye.
Your daily coffee/bagel order totals $4.44; your favorite shampoo is marked down to $5.55. It may be frequent or infrequent sightings, but each time it happens, you think to yourself. “What might this mean?”
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Let me tell you this. These are not showing up by coincidence.
What are Angel Numbers?
What you are seeing are Angel Numbers. Angel numbers work with numerology principles, which believe each number connects to specific vibrational frequencies. Some believe angel numbers are from your spirit guides and offer you a divine message. They are messages from the divine, a meaningful way Angels communicate with you in the physical world.
Angel number sequences are a little nudge from the spiritual world telling you to stop and pay attention to what is happening around you. An acknowledgment that your path is the right one or a reminder to sit still and be thankful for the blessings you have already received.
Whatever life phase you pass through, your Angels know it.
The numbers are the Angels’ way of telling you that you are not alone on this journey. They are with you to help guide and provide support.
When Could You See Angel Numbers?
Your Angel numbers are everywhere. You will see a repeated sequence of numbers at any time or night. They appear on street signs, your call display, phone numbers, and the bill at the restaurant where you just finished having dinner.
You might see standard master numbers like 111 or 222 etc., or the sequences of numbers might be random, like 134 or 452. These numbers are specific numbers being shown to you as a sign from the spiritual realm.
They are abundant and persistent in their need to be noticed by you. Your Angels will ensure they are bright and big and may have them appear simultaneously each day so that this triggers something in you to take notice.
Do you have a lucky number? Single digit numbers can also have meaning. Have you ever thought that your lucky number might be lucky because you’re angels use that number as a sign for you?
Why Are They Important?
Each sequence has a sacred meaning, and I will share the importance of angel numbers below. In the meantime, it is crucial to stop and pay attention to what you are doing when you see the repeated sequence of numbers.
Angel numbers could confirm a fresh start in life, major changes, or you’re in the right direction, and good things are coming.
See if you can recognize why you might keep seeing these numbers and meditate on what your Angels tell you to see, feel and hear. It is also important to note the sequence of numbers and when you see them.
You may see the repeating numbers over and over again. You may also see your numbers pop up simultaneously each day. Noting this is key in understanding the messages your angels sent to you.
What Should you Do When you See the Same Number Sequence Repeatedly?
I encourage you to keep a diary and write down each time you see a series of numbers repeated. It doesn’t need to be a long entry or written in a paper journal. Our smartphones are an easy tool in helping record when your Angels reach out to you.
Afterward, take a moment to sit still in a quiet space and breathe deeply, reflecting on the numbers you continue to see. Then, speak aloud, repeating a mantra that invites you to receive the Angels’ messages with an open heart and mind.
An open heart and mind are vital in helping you interpret the messages you are receiving. Try to connect to your higher self and find that feeling of calmness that will guide you towards what you’re meant to feel. There could be a sign of good news, a big change, or new opportunities just around the corner.
If you feel like you’re in the middle of a path, your angels could be trying to show you the next steps.
Finally, review the previous entry each time you write a new one to identify similarities in your reaction to seeing those numbers.
Once you understand how to interpret the meaning of the number pattern, you will be able to unlock this spiritual advice and use it to help you make decisions that will impact your life positively.
You will open up the doors to your dreams, goals, and passions in life and learn how to achieve the things that matter most to you.
Imagine finally seeing and feeling your dreams come alive because you allowed your spiritual self to open and invite your Angels into your soul.
Archangels and Numbers
You could receive messages from your Archangel or Guardian Angel, a spirit guide. There are many kinds of angels but know they are here to help guide you.
The Archangel is an Angel of the highest rank and is tasked with managing life on earth. Spiritual beings whose expertise differs. Archangels can guide and protect you; they all have their uniqueness and gifts.
They are forces of energy that help us, just as we are also made of energy. We can feel and sometimes see their power around us.
They provide you with healing messages and help you grow inner wisdom.
There are seven main Archangels, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Gabriel, Ariel, Jophial, Azrael, Archangel Metatron, and Chamuel. Each has its unique powers and represents different things. The Archangels will take turns in providing you divine guidance.
They don’t usually all show up at once, but one may show up consistently if you feel a solid connection to it.
You can always call upon the archangels you feel you need, and they will help you.
Your Guardian Angels and Numbers
Your Guardian Angel was assigned to you at birth. This Angel has been selected for you and works exclusively with only you. Your Guardian Angel never leaves your side and will use all its strength to protect you from danger. They have unconditional love for you and will never judge you. They will never intervene in your lie without you calling for them unless you are threatened to leave this life before your time.
When struggling in life, your Guardian Angel will absorb your emotions to help you heal. During times of despair and grief, you can feel your Guardian Angel’s presence even in minor ways.
Whereas your Archangel reaches out to you in the form of Angel numbers, your Guardian Angel can be called upon anytime you need or want support, protection, and guidance.
Your experience with your Archangels and your Guardian Angel will always be unique. No other person will experience the same feelings or sensations or receive messages as you.
The Meanings of Angel Number (s)
The meanings below were found in a study by Prowritingaid.
Angel Number 444
Angel Number 444 spiritually signifies a higher purpose. It stands for honesty, health, determination, success, inner wisdom, intuition, and confidence. Through this number, angels are by your side in everything you do.
Angel Number 222
222 is a message of hope, representing balance, harmony, life choices, commitment, compromise, and trust. It’s a sign that you can build on your current situation to achieve your goals. You might see Angel Number 222 when you have essential decisions, conflicts, or changes in your life.
Angel Number 333
Angel number sequence 333 is a sign from your angels that they are with and supporting you. This is a time of manifestation in your life, so whatever you’ve been working towards manifesting, now is the time to let go and let it come into your life. 333 is a meaningful coincidence as a manifestor and a powerful tool to follow.
Angel Number 555
Angel number is about welcoming change into your life and reminding you that your angels will keep you safe through this change. Follow your life purpose. You’re on the right track. This set of numbers has special meanings if you’re looking for confirmation of being protected and guided.
Angel Number 111
The angel number 111 means that your angels are trying to point you in the right direction in life and want you to stay confident once you are on the correct path. Be ok with leaving your comfort zone as long as your emotions feel good. Look to your inner strength for guidance.
Angel Number 1111
Regarded as one of the most powerful messages an angel can send you, 1111 means that your aspirations will be achieved and a reminder of your great inner power.
A favorite of the angelic numbers as many believe that when you see 11:11, you are to make a wish. Others believe it is a sign of good fortune.
Angel Number 777
When you doubt your chosen path, the number 777 will appear as a message from your angels. 777 represents spiritual awakening and acts as a comfort to you that you are on the right path.
Angel Number 999
Angel number 999 can be both positive and negative and warns of the beginning of a new chapter in life. If you see 999, it is your angels telling you that many major changes are coming in your life and that with every ending, there is a new chapter.
Angel Number 888
888 is a sign of positive abundance and can indicate that good fortune is coming your way. A powerful message and a welcoming one for anyone looking for confirmation or if you’re looking for a sign to keep going.
Angel Number 666
The first thing that will likely come to mind when seeing 666 is evil. However, angels never have this kind of intent. 666 means that something in your life is out of balance, and your angels warn you to discover what needs to be set right again. Your angels will never bring you back luck or evil messages. Angels are there to guide you and help answer some of your specific questions.
If you need a specific message from your angels, ask them to show you a sign, and they will.
Manifesting and Angel Numbers
Use the power of manifesting along with your angel numbers. Anytime you look over and see an angel number, you can use that sign and your mindset to manifest what you want.
Consider the meaning behind the messages your angels might send you with those angel number signs. Still, you can also use this as an opportunity to tell the universe and angels what you’re manifesting.
Many people believe there is a solid link between manifestation and angels; they deliver important messages to use if we are open to listening while we go about our everyday life.
Angel Cards
Lightworkers use Angel cards to connect you to your angles. Each card has a specific meaning, and with knowledge and intuition, they can help you connect with your angels to help guide you and comfort you. Doreen Virtue used to considerably influence Angel cards’ environment, but I love Kyle Grey. His cards feel magical to my clients and me.
Angel Card Readings
Angel oracle card readings are intuitive and can help you understand the messages your Angels are sending.
You can book a mini reading or a life’s journey reading to connect with your Angels and gain peace, guidance, and reassurance that you are on the right path. Card readings can help determine your strengths and any opportunities for growth and change, whether past, present, or future.
After you’ve booked an angel card reading, ask the angels to guide you and show you what you need to see. You can also ask your angels to advise you about something specific, like your job, personal life, or business. It’s up to you and what you feel your intuition is telling you.
Readings like these can help you with your spiritual growth, affirmation practice, and meditations and also help you find the true meaning behind some questions you might have. The options are endless as to what you might uncover during a reading. Open your heart and mind to it.
Angel card readers are lightworkers here to help guide you and help you feel peace and gratitude for yourself and your life.
If you see a sequence of repeating numbers and can’t figure out what they mean, please let me know when you book an angel number, and I can give you the meaning of numbers.
Your spiritual journey has just begun. Now is your time to embrace the messages your Angels are sending you. Book an angel reading for yourself soon. Trust your intuition. Angel messages help guide you and confirm your beliefs and thoughts that you are not alone, and the numerical sequences from your angels will guide you.
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.