15 That Are Deceptively Unhealthy, But People Don’t Know
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In a world saturated with diet trends and contradictory information, it becomes crucial to distinguish between fact and fiction when making dietary choices. Today, we delve into an intriguing query: “Which everyday foods do people commonly believe to be healthy but are, in fact, entirely the opposite?”
Breakfast Foods
To begin, a user replied, “Flapjacks. Not the pancakes that Americans eat, but the oaty bars from the UK. They are literally filled with butter, sugar, and golden syrup. Adding oats or fruit/nuts doesn’t make that any healthier, despite how delicious they are.”
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Fruit Juices
A simple comment was, “Fruit Juice.”
Another more depth comment said, “I know someone who went on an all-juice diet for like three weeks, and she gained almost 10 pounds because she was basically drinking pure sugar and no fiber. Though fruit juice isn’t bad for you in moderation, just a glass or so a day will let you the daily vitamin C you’ll need.”
Granola Bars
One user said, “Granola bars .. nature valley.” Another user said, “I don’t call them “healthy,” I call them “healthier,” cause they are, compared to those chocolate chip chocolate dunked chewy Quaker granola bars I used to eat.”
A person commented, “Yogurt. Most of that stuff is packed with sugar, up to 23 grams or more, in each small container. In reality, though, most foods can be unhealthy when eaten excessively. It’s those people that see foods labeled as healthy and overeat them, thinking they’ll lose weight.”
Salad Things
A user mentioned, “Didn’t the Mcdonald’s Salad wrap thing have just as many calories as a Big Mac?”
A second user replied, “Salad, but with a LOT of dressing or even just mayonnaise, it stops being a healthy meal because of the things you are eating with it. It also applies to some toppings.”
Restaurant Meals
A popular comment was, “Good tasting vegetables in restaurants. They taste good because the chef dumps a bunch of sugar and butter on it.”
Gluten-Free Foods
A user commented, “Gluten-free foods. If you’re allergic or intolerant, sure. Better to eat those foods. If not, though, eat the normal versions.”
A user wrote, “Naked and Odwalla drinks are loaded with sugar.”
A second Redditor replied, “Smoothies, you can’t dump chocolate chips, peanut butter, yogurt, etc. into a blender and expect it to be healthy.”
Rice Cakes
One popular comment was, “Rice Cakes – processed and refined white rice with little if any nutrition AND WORSE, it’s a high GI carbohydrate that will give you a blood sugar spike; not healthy and since I see a lot of people who are trying to lose weight eat these, amusingly it could be doing the opposite.”
Protein Products
One user commented, “Protein bars. Essentially candy bars are marketed as a health food.”
A second user replied, “Protein drinks, some of the flavors just are not as healthy as they claim.
Low-Fat or Fat-Free Products
A user wrote, “Fat-free food alternatives. They replace fat with sugar, which is worse for you.”
Another user added, “Fat-free yogurts are the bane of my existence! I’m diabetic, and every yogurt manufacturer tends to go fat-free but sugar loaded! I just want a flavored yogurt that won’t try and kill me….”
Processed Meats
One commented, “Subway subs.” A second added, “Deli meats are not very good for you. The salt and preservatives are a lot!”
Chocolate Snacks
A popular comment was, “Nutella, people think it’s healthier because it’s made from nuts. Still horribly unhealthy.”
Sports Drinks
One person replied, “Gatorade unless you are doing extensive physical activity (or possibly missing something like electrolytes from a medical issue). Just drink water.”
Cooking Items
A popular comment was, “Margarine instead of butter.”
Another comment said, “Corn syrup. Used to be marketed as a healthy sugar substitute, and now that stuff is in everything.”
It’s fascinating to uncover the misconceptions surrounding common foods that are often believed to be healthy but may not be as beneficial as we think. The insights shared by
Source: Reddit
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