1 Easy Way To Change your Life with Money Mindset
Money Mindset Will Help You Make Money
Book Review of: You are a Badass at Making Money Author: Jen Sincero
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Let’s start with a quote from the book: “If you are truly committed to kicking ass, you’ll want to strengthen your relationship with the universe in the following ways: Learn to quiet your mind and receive the information it’s trying to send you. …..”
You are a Badass at Making Money and You Are a Badass are amazing books and I highly suggest you read both asap.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
FREE 5 Day Email Mindset Launchpad
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
FREE 5 Day Email Mindset Launchpad
Breaking Down the Meaning
Do you ever think about the fact that the thoughts you have in your head have a direct relationship to making money? This isn’t even just about making money, it’s about everything you want to “kick ass at” like your relationship, being a good person, learning more, taking a class. Anything really. The thoughts you have in your head about big things in your life have a direct link to the result you have or want to have. How is your money mindset? Do you think about money in a positive way?
Here’s how you can tell. When you think about money what types of feelings do you get? Do you feel like it’s far away? Unreachable? Do you feel frustrated? Sad? Hopeful? Defeated? Do you think about money and think about your debt? Bills? Your empty bank account? All these feelings are holding you back from making money.
You should feel worthy, powerful, excited, and know that there is an abundance of money and there is no shame in you wanting to earn yours. The book You Are a Badass at Making Money does an excellent job of breaking down those feelings of greed, shame, sadness so you can flip that relationship that you have with money. It’s life-changing.
The Power of your Mind
You are a Badass at Making Money talks about the fact that in order for the Universe to help you, you need to quiet your mind, and be ready to listen to what it’s telling you. You have to be open to the ideas that come and accept that they might not look like what you had in mind. What you think either allows the universe to bring you what you want or you block what you want by sending messages to the universe that what you want is something different.
Your mind is an amazing thing, I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about this before but if you put out negative thoughts into the universe that’s what you’ll get back. If you put out thoughts of happiness, money, self-confidence, that’s what you’ll also get back.
I think the key thing here is to remember that the universe might not bring what you want. Think about it in the way you pictured it. Keep your mind open to the new ideas or possibilities that come into your mind or show up in your life.
Positive Mantras
Want to make more money? Keep repeating mantras to yourself like “I love money because money loves me.” or ” I love finding new ways to make money and money is coming to me. ” or “Money is easy to make. I can make tons of it. ” “The world is full of money and I can make lots of it.”
Basically, these mantras keep your mind clear and aimed at your goals. It helps the universe see what you want and you’ll attract it! Believe it and it will come! Positive affirmations in any area of your life will help you grow and will change your life. Grab some positive affirmation cards and display them around your home so you are reminded every day to use them.
Believe in Something That Makes you Happy
It is so fascinating to believe that the power of your thoughts can be life changing. I’ve been putting into practice the last few years and I can tell you that it works. My life is better, I feel great. I feel unstoppable and so can you. Belive in yourself belive it’s possible and allow your mindset to work for you.
I do believe that since trying to change my thoughts and my focus I am happier and seeing the world through a better lens.
Put Money Mindset Into Practice
Take some time to pay attention to your money mindset today. What are you thinking about? Are they positive thoughts? If it is true that your thoughts allow you to manifest and attract money what you think about, are you happy with that? If you haven’t ready You are a Badass at Making Money yet I highly suggest it. It will forever be the book that changed my life and allowed me to leap into being an entrepreneur.
If you realize that your thoughts aren’t positive and motivating try to change your thoughts for one day, every time something negative comes to mind says a mantra that you want to come true. See how you feel at the end of the day.
As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.