Dad Stops Family From Eating the Chicken Mom Made For Dinner Due To Health Concerns
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This story talks about a situation where a man stopped his family from eating pink chicken that his wife cooked. She thought it was fine but he did not agree. What would you do?
Is it Undercooked?
The original poster (OP) went on to say that he works a full-time job at a care center, and his wife owns a bakery with her mother. OP goes on to say how she takes on the cooking responsibility at home because she is better than he is at it.
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When OP got home from work recently, he said that dinner was on the table already, and he began to cut up his children’s food. As he cut into the chicken she had made, he noticed and told his wife that the inside of the cooked chicken was pink. His wife responded by saying, “It’s a little pink, but it’s fine.”
He then responded by saying he “would not allow their children to eat the food if it was undercooked” She then fired back with, “Stop being a baby,” and “It won’t kill them.” After some further quarreling, his wife said, “If you don’t want them eating it, then you can cook their dinner.”
Sandwiches For Dinner
This resulted in him making the kid’s ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner. His wife is upset with him and also told him she “isn’t talking to him if he thinks her cooking is horrible.”
OP told Reddit that he doesn’t think her cooking is horrible. He just didn’t want the kids eating the food because it could make them sick.
What Redditors Are Saying
People were quick to weigh in with their opinions and assessments of this dinner situation!
One user wrote, “NTA Op, it’s perfectly fine to take potential food poisoning seriously.”
A second Redditor wrote, “Color is not a good indicator of whether the chicken has reached 165°F. You can have pink chicken that has reached the proper temp and is safe– and it’s actually much tastier and juicier that way. It would make sense for a professional chef like OP’s wife to be able to cook chicken optimally. But even if it was, still YTA for the reaction. If you’re that worried and untrusting, nuke it for a minute.”
Several Redditors agreed that “YTA, pink chicken is not dangerous if the internal temp was high enough. Also, instead of just saying “Oh honey, I am worried the chicken is a little pink, can we cook it just a little more just to be safe ?”, you went all the way “I am not serving that to the kids!!!!” and made a new meal altogether.”
Another Redditor pointed out “OP’s wife is not a professional chef, she owns a bakery. Which means she probably bakes things like pastries or bread, not grilled chicken sandwiches. Also it doesn’t sound like OP’s wife was sure that it had reached 165 despite being pink, it sounds like she was just lackadaisical about it and figured it was probably ok.”
What do you think? Would you have let the children eat the “pink, undercooked” chicken?
Source: Reddit