How to Manifest Something By Writing it Down. Everything You Need to Know
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Are you a mom stuck on autopilot and want to make changes in your life? Curious about learning ways to change your situation quickly?
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From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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If so, the world of manifesting is for you! This post will show you ways to manifest something by writing it down.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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You’re probably already familiar with manifesting, but if not, let me explain. Manifesting is the idea that you can bring things into existence by thinking about them. You can create the life you desire by focusing your thoughts on the things you want to appear in your life.
Many people want to learn about manifesting, and no wonder why – it works!
If you devote some time to manifesting, you will quickly see its life-changing effects on you.
Try manifesting your soulmate, a dream job, vacations – the sky’s the limit. Maybe you want a new job or a promotion. There is nothing too big or too small that you can’t manifest.
If you’re looking to manifest money, I have an entire post just on that topic.
Now let’s get into it.
What is Manifesting?
Manifesting is the idea and practice in that you can turn an idea or thing into reality. Used hand in hand with the law of attraction, many people now use manifesting techniques to make their dreams a reality. Many stars like Oprah, Jim Carrey, Lady Gaga, and Ariana Grande believe in manifesting and have manifested their dream lives.
Here’s How You Can Manifest Something by Writing it Down
Let’s talk about manifesting via writing.
Some people love this approach because they say it works faster. I believe this to be true. Writing down your manifestations puts you in an abundance mindset. You will see what you want and what you’re manifesting more often. Follow these steps to manifest through writing.
- Pick a Journal
Having a journal for manifesting has many benefits. You can return to it anytime to see how far you’ve come in your journey. Revisiting your journal will put you in a frequency of gratitude, which speeds up your manifestations.
Choose either a regular blank journal or something like the Beautiful Mind Journal that is designed for manifesting. The Beautiful Mind Journal has daily prompts for you to write out your gratitudes, affirmations, desires, and to-do lists.
Start your day by writing your goals and dreams into reality. This will elevate your manifesting powers quickly and keep them sustained throughout the day.
Write down your manifestations as often as possible – this will help you remember them and keep you focused and determined. However, writing them down is not enough – you must believe in your vision. Remember to take action on your goals too, and keep your mindset on the right track.
We want to avoid negativity as we try to manifest and keep our vibrations high. Our emotions are our guide towards what we truly want. Follow the good vibes you get when you think of your dream life.
Picture your life with your goals already accomplished. What does it feel like? What does it look like? What does it smell like? It might feel funny thinking about this, but the clearer you are, the faster you can manifest. Write down all the details of your vision and try to add to it frequently in your journal.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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When you envision your dreams as a reality, you get a feeling that comes over you. That’s the frequency you want to stay in as long as possible. There is a lot of power that comes from visualization.
2. Practice Affirmations
Affirmations put you into a frequency of gratitude and confidence. Affirmations are potent and can help shift your energy quickly. That’s why I’ve added them to The Beautiful Mind Journal.
Write out affirmations every day and anytime you feel out of focus or negative, repeat affirmations like “I am strong,” “I am determined,” or “I am safe.” Affirmations are a vital tool in manifesting to keep you motivated.
3. Manifest Every Day
Use your journal every day. Don’t just write your goals down once and forget them. You want to be in a high frequency of love and confidence as often as possible. Practice your gratitudes and revisit your goals daily. Use the law of attraction and consume content that keeps you feeling motivated and determined. Manifesting takes work and doesn’t just happen overnight.
4.Keep an Open Mind
The Universe will provide you with what you want. No questions asked, period. What you put out to the Universe, you will get back. Keep in mind that it might come to you in an unexpected form.
Be open to new paths that might take you where you want to go. Let go of your preconceptions of how it will happen, and be open to the endless possibilities the Universe will give you.
How to Manifest by Using the 369 Method
The 369 manifestation method is when you write down three goals or things you desire. Write them down six times each. Focus and think about these affirmations for 9 seconds each. You can use a manifestation journal to help.
Pick Three Affirmations
Think about three things you want to manifest. These three things could be something like this. “I will meet my true love this year.” or “My business will thrive.” or “I will manifest $10,000+. “
Whatever you want to manifest, think about it, and get clear on it. Make sure it is something you believe will come true and something that you will put into action.
Express them Six Times
Write down your affirmations or say them out loud six times each. By writing down your affirmations, you make them tangible. You put them on paper and materialize them into your life.
You can also say them out loud if you can get super clear on your goals by saying them aloud but do it often. The more you see your affirmations or say your affirmations out loud, the better. It will keep you focused and your mindset on track towards your goals.
Focus for Nine Seconds
The last step is to focus on each affirmation for nine seconds. Picture your life with this affirmation as a reality. What does your life look like? How do you feel? What do you look like? Think of as many details as possible when focusing on your affirmations. The more precise you can be, the better.
Repeat this process for 33 days.
Why the 369 Method
Some believe 3, 6, and 9 are the key numbers to the Universe. Nicola Tesla thought these numbers are powerful owing to their role in our numbers system. He sometimes referred to them as his “secret code.”
What are the Key Numbers to the Universe?
This all has to do with the special properties of 3, 6, and 9.
The number 3 is the only number that equals the sum of all preceding numbers (0 + 1 + 2 = 3). Also, when 3 gets added to itself, it creates the smallest perfect number, 6. When 3 is squared, the result is the largest single-digit number, number 9.
Hence, the number 369 is a mix of energies of the numbers 3, 6, and 9.
The number 3 symbolizes creativity and self–expression.
The number 6 symbolizes your home and family life.
The number 9 symbolizes service to others and humanity in general.
369 manifests love, wealth, health, abundance, and more. It modifies your behaviors and keeps your mind on track. Also, the angel number 369 represents a message from your guardian angels, encouraging you to continue following your soul’s mission and purpose in this life. The angels ask you to trust that you will meet your material needs.
Can you manifest something instantly or overnight? Yes, it is possible. This depends on a lot of different things. Is it achievable overnight? Something like “My friend will reach out to me today” could be a possible “instant” manifestation. Or, “I’m going to get a perfect parking spot at the mall” could also come true instantly, but it does depend on a few factors. Firstly, do you honestly believe it will happen? Do you take actionable steps towards this? Manifesting, although magical, does take action and is an unshakable belief. The most potent manifestors can manifest things pretty quickly, but it does require a lot of control, learning, and trust.
More Simple Steps you can Take to Manifest Your Dream Life
Doing some or all of the things below will help you stay in a high frequency so that you can have what you want in your life.
Manifesting isn’t just about trusting your dreams will materialize – it’s also about being open to new opportunities, meeting the right people, and creating the right plan.
Think of What you Want to Manifest
Write a manifestation list and be sure to believe it with all your being. It must feel unshakable. Say it in your head, connect with your higher self, and speak to your angels about it.
Work on your Mindset
If you try to manifest something but think of all the wrong things all day long, your manifestation won’t be potent. Follow a mindset routine that keeps your thoughts positive and your subconscious clear. A mindset journal can help you reinforce your mindset routine, while vision boards can keep you motivated.
Boost Your Cellular Health
Cellular health is critical to manifesting. You must feel like your best self, and your body needs to be healthy. Good health keeps you at a higher frequency. Make sure you are on high-quality vitamins and minerals.
Move Your Body
Exercise regularly. When we move our bodies, we release toxic energy and place ourselves at a higher frequency to manifest faster.
Create a Plan
Create a plan that has you take action toward your manifesting goals, but use it more as a guideline. This can be tricky as you want to remain open to the Universe, which may offer alternate paths forward. Here are examples of things you can do to get closer to your goals.
Put in the Action
Take intuitive action towards your goals every day. Even if it means writing down your affirmations that day, always ensure you’re doing something.
Mediation is central to manifesting. Meditation can help you visualize, making you feel like you’ve already achieved what you want.
Take yourself to that place where you’ve already gotten everything you desire. What does it feel like? What does it smell like? Pay attention to every detail. If you aren’t familiar with this process, you can find lots of guided meditation on YouTube. Mediating is meant to relax you and put you in the best mindset to manifest and attract what you desire.
Meditation consistently helps you maintain positive thinking and reduces negative energy and self-talk. I’m always in a better mood after I take time off to meditate. It’s a great reset if I have an overwhelming day when I can’t seem to manage very well.
I’ve said it already, and I’ll say it again – believe what you want to happen will happen with every fiber of your body. You must reduce your negative thoughts and feelings and keep a positive, can-do mindset. Belief is so crucial; without it, the energy fades away. You have to know your worth and your wants. If you have limiting beliefs, go back and re-do the steps above.
Bonus: Practice Gratitude
Pick up a gratitude journal or, better yet, a mindset journal, and each day write down three things you’re grateful for. Showing gratitude is an excellent way to keep positive thoughts flowing and your abundance frequency high.
If you find yourself with limiting beliefs, try to write them down in your mindset journal and debunk them. Be sure to jot down your limiting beliefs and write out why they are not true (because they certainly aren’t!)
We all have obstacles in our life, but visualizing the outcome you want sends signals out to the Universe and increases your frequency and the chance it will come to you.
Why Does Manifesting Work?
Manifesting resonates with the law of attraction. We are all beings of energy, and energy attracts energy. What you put out into the Universe will return to you. When you manifest something and honestly believe in it, you will stop at nothing to make it come true.
Manifesting comes with a lot of focus, belief, and determination. What you think and focus on is bound to appear in your life. It’s been proven again and again.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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Why is Manifesting Not Working for You?
Sometimes, manifesting doesn’t seem to work. There might be a few reasons for this.
- You might not believe it wholeheartedly. You need to believe in what you manifest with all of your heart. If your goal seems too out of reach to really believe, scale it back a little. For example, “I will be a millionaire.” Unless you fully believe this can happen, it won’t happen. So, you could start with “I am going to make 100k+” or whatever amount feels right. Start with something smaller that you genuinely believe in, and raise your goal as you go.
- Add the action. Even though you are manifesting, you still need the effort behind it. Take intuitive action that feels right to achieve your goal. There is no accomplishment without action.
- Trust the process. Even though you believe and take action, you also need to trust. Trust that it will happen no matter what. Let go of the forced feeling and anxiousness. Try to keep yourself neutral and calm. Let go of the expectation and believe it will happen exactly when it’s supposed to.
It helps if you believe in your manifesting goals and put action in too. You can’t just say it and sit back and wait; that will never work.
You must also meditate and ensure you vibrate at a high frequency and stay open to the Universe’s signs and new opportunities.
Move your body and ensure you take high-quality vitamins and supplements for optimal health. Being healthy helps you feel good and increases your frequency for more manifesting powers.
Remember, each manifesting journey is unique, but you can learn from others. There is lots of great info out there to keep you going.
I recommend you read “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes if you haven’t yet. You’ll see just how powerful the law of attraction and manifesting is.
The key is to stay happy and focused in your mind. No matter what you believe in, keep your vibration high, your goals clear and leverage the power of manifesting.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
FREE 5 Day Email Mindset Launchpad
Feel free to check out my Manifesting Money Guide.
As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.