The Price of Happiness: How Differing Priorities Can Strain a Relationship
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The pre-med doctor in this story has always dreamt about being a pediatric doctor but it sounds as if his girlfriend is upset that he’s following his passion and not the dollar signs.
The original poster (OP) came to the threads to find out if she was in the wrong for implying that her fiancé’s brother’s relationship with his current girlfriend wouldn’t last through medical school.
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Doctor’s Girlfriend Issues
OP’s younger brother is starting medical school this fall; OP went on to say that his current girlfriend has become insufferable and hard to be around because of how she views their future together, believing that she will be rich because she’ll be marrying a doctor in the future.
Recently OP was showing the fiancé’s brother and girlfriend pictures of their wedding venue. The girlfriend said she would want a different venue in their area, and the one she wants is very expensive.
She then went on to say she understood why OP and her fiancé didn’t go with it, implying that she’ll have a lot more to spend on her wedding. The pre-med boyfriend and girlfriend are not engaged either.
OP pointed out her preferred venue is expensive, to which the girlfriend replied since her boyfriend will be a doctor, they’ll be able to afford it. OP told the girlfriend that medical school is expensive and you don’t make much money your first few years, and that only certain specialties make the big bucks.
The girlfriend then said her boyfriend would be one of the ones making a lot of money because he’ll be top of his class. The boyfriend then interjected to say it doesn’t quite work that way and that he’s planning on becoming a pediatrician, which tends to be the lowest compensated specialty.
The girlfriend then asked how much pediatricians make compared to a surgeon. OP’s fiancé said surgeons make twice as much. The girlfriend was shocked and asked why her boyfriend wanted to be a pediatrician. He replied that it was something he’s always been passionate about.
The Girlfriend Gets Mad
The girlfriend got upset and said that it was a big decision that affected both of them. OP then said medical school is a notorious relationship ender, and most couples don’t survive the stress and lack of free time. The girlfriend then got angry with OP for implying their relationship would end and called OP “a jealous b****.”
Redditors Respond
Redditors had some strong opinions about the OP’s brother’s girlfriend and gave the OP some good advice.
One well-liked comment stated, “She was practically holding a sign that reads in all caps “I AM ONLY WITH THIS MAN FOR HIS FUTURE MONEY.”
Another Redditor said, “I mean, to some degree, you probably shouldn’t have commented on someone else’s relationship – but holy. Little brother’s girl is in it for ALL of the wrong reasons (nevermind the fact that the student loans will likely do away with any income he earns for the foreseeable future or that internship and residency don’t pay all that well for any specialty.”
A second Redditor commented, “The relationship will be over soon anyway: she wanted a sugar daddy, not a healer. She’s clearly focused on money, not the things that drive her boyfriend. And she didn’t lash out because you said med school is very hard on relationships. She lashed out because y’all had just taken away the fantasy of massive wealth.”
Another Redditor said, “NTA. She gives me weird vibes. Like she’s with him because of his possible future ‘social status’ as a doctor.”
To which a Redditor replied, “Yeah, that was so gross! As if she has any right to decide what career he pursues.”
Finally, a Redditor said, “She wants a surgeon’s salary so bad, why doesn’t she become a surgeon?”
Redditors are known for being honest, and they certainly were in this situation. What do you think? Was the OP out of line?
This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Motherhood Life Balance.
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