Top 17 Most Disgusting Texture-Related Foods Aversions People Hate
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Let’s explore food preferences and focus on texture. People have different likes and dislikes when it comes to how food feels in their mouths. We’ll discover the foods that Redditors find hard to eat due to texture, whether slimy, gritty, mushy, or crunchy.
To begin, a user commented, “Oysters.”
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Another said, “Oysters or clams, it feels like chewing on cold, salty, oversized boogers”
Mushy or Soggy
A popular comment was, “Soggy cereal or soggy cake, just ew.”
A second comment said, “Most people don’t know how to cook eggplant correctly. If it’s served all greasy, slimy, and mushy then your cook is incompetent with eggplant.”
Chewy or Rubbery
A gross comment was, “I haven’t had this in a long time but Kidney. My Mom used put it in stew it had to be one of the weirded textures I’ve ever felt.”
Another comment was, “Tripe.”
Grainy or Gritty
A user wrote, “Lima beans. Like little packets of sawdust.”
Another user added, “Chickpeas”
Crumbly or Powdery
A popular comment was, “Beans. And I’m from South Texas, so it’s amazing I survived childhood.”
Fatty or Greasy
One user said, “Anything chewy like gristle. Or really fatty parts of a steak.”
Another user commented, “when you have a juicy piece of chicken tender and hit the tendon. GROSS!”
A user replied, “Avocado. I want to die.”
A second user added, “Ricotta cheese.”
Runny or Watery
One popular comment was, “Been eating cottage cheese for several decades, and I can tell you from experience that cottage cheese today is not what it used to be. Used to be firm little clumps that had pretty good flavor and texture. Now you get cottage cheese and you’re getting a bowl of soup.”
Another said, “Everything about runny yolks makes me gag.”
A user replied, “Coconut flakes.”
Another user said, “Menudo My parents’ generation all love it but all my cousins and siblings hate it lol”
One replied, “I’ve never eaten it but have seen “Pork Brains with Gravy” canned when visiting relatives in Kentucky. Each time I was there I’d buy a few then leave them in various friend’s kitchen cabinets….waaaay in the back.”
Stringy or Fibrous
One most-liked comment was, “Celery.”
Another person said, “Mango that is fibrous and stringy.”
Gelatinous or Jiggly
A funny comment was, “Every time I have jello, I think I’ll change and like it, but I put it in and I just sit there, gagging. Don’t even get me started on green jello.”
Dry or Parched
One person added, “Meringue.”
Another said, “Coconut. coconut oil is amazing, and coconut flavored things are good too, but actual coconut feels like chewing on sandy styrofoam.”
Slimy-Dry Hybrid
“Hard boiled eggs. The texture of what I imagine eating an eyeball would be like, with a bonus fart centre.”
A second added, “Boiled peanuts. Lived in the Deep South US for a few years and a just can’t bring myself to eat those slimy gas station turds.”
Mushy-Crunchy Combination
One person commented, “Onions. I love the flavor but cannot stand biting into one, cooked or raw.”
A second person replied, “Mango that is fibrous and stringy.”
Gritty-Grainy Combination
A popular comment was, “TOFU. It’s gelatinous yet not creamy, slimy but solid, and turns to beige grainy paste instantly. I’ve really tried but it comes off as congealed blood.”
Sticky-Chewy Combination
A user replied, “Caramel. The way it sticks to your teeth is just way too unpleasant”
Odd or Unconventional
Finally, someone added, “Balut from the Philippines. It is a fertilized duck egg boiled and eaten in the shell while still warm. You can search Google on how it looks.” Source: Reddit
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