Revealing Heartbreaking Moments: People Share the Saddest Public Encounters
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In the realm of public encounters, there are moments that deeply touch our hearts, revealing the harsh realities of life. Today, we get into a thought-provoking discussion where empathy and compassion take center stage. We share an experience that many of us can relate to – witnessing the sorrow of others in public. Whether it’s an act of rejection, a heartbreaking loss, or a profound struggle, we invite you to share the saddest thing you’ve witnessed happen to someone else in a public setting. Through these stories, we gain insight into the fragility of human emotions and the importance of kindness in our interactions.
To begin, one user shared, “I was a waitress when I was 18. I worked on Father’s Day, and this old man was seated in my section; he did not order anything because he said he was waiting for his children. He was dressed really nicely and had a big smile on his face. He had not seen his children in over 25 years, and they had promised they would be there that day. He waited for an hour and a half. They never showed. When he left, he was crying silently and had not eaten anything.”
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One comment was, “I was at Walmart a couple of years ago, looking for something in the electronics department. Walked up to the checkout stand just as the cashier took a personal phone call. All of a sudden, she lets out this awful scream and just completely loses it, sobbing and crying. Everyone was standing there in shock, one of her coworkers came over to comfort her, and I went on my way. Turns out she just found out her husband died in an accident. To this day, that sticks in my mind as the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Emotional breakdowns
A sad story was, “I was in line at Walmart behind this mother and her 11 or 12-year-old daughter. The mother has her in hysterics, demanding she hands over the money she earned babysitting so she can buy cigarettes because, “While you’re in my house, it’s my money.”
A Redditor replied, “I used to babysit a couple of kids, and their mum developed a big drinking problem. She kept vodka in a water bottle. A friend/relative/someone went to grab her bottle from her, and the daughter, who was about 6, leaped to mum’s defense, yelling at the friend, “You can’t take it. That’s mommy’s special water! She needs it to make her feel better!”. That girl would be about 15 now, and I haven’t seen her in years, but I can’t help but wonder how much she’s worked out now about what was going on back then.”
Another added, “Once, while attending a convention at a casino, I was leaving, and I saw a woman dragging her young kid in tow. He was crying his eyes out, and I heard him say, “Mommy, you’re not supposed to gamble anymore, or we won’t be able to afford food.” Or something to that extent. Poor little kid even knew she had a problem….”
A disgusting story was, “I once saw two groups of young boys fundraising on two medians as cars passed. One was white, in some kind of sport/scout uniform, and the other was black, I think, with group t-shirts fundraising for sports uniforms. The white group was clearly making bank, and the black one was not doing well. I could see the black group leaders trying to hide their disgust and be optimistic, but it was awful. My car gave them a 10, and they were really thankful but it just wasn’t enough to make up for having to stand there and experience the huge disparity. You could especially see some of the older kids who ‘got it’ looking like they just wanted to give up.”
Family Conflicts
A sad story was, “I was eating in a Mexican restaurant, and there was a family arguing next to me. The teenage daughter was crying while her father told her that he would always put his new wife (who was sitting next to him looking smug) before her. From what I heard, the poor girl had been kicked out of her home because she wasn’t getting along with her stepmom.”
A user replied, “My husband’s grandmother had just been placed in a nursing home around the time I’d first met her. One day when we went with his parents to visit her, I was doing the awkward linger back, not knowing where to be or what to say, when a super old lady looked me dead in the eye and said, “I just want to go home.” Her voice was tiny, and her soul sounded so tired.”
One shocking story was, “School talent show, a young woman who was very shy had managed to get up the courage to sing a song. I can’t remember the song, but it was a big one. She didn’t have the voice for it, and she lost the audience about 20 seconds in, whilst people started laughing and shouting things. They closed the curtain on her in the middle of her performance.”
One sad user said, “I used to work in the kid’s department of a bookstore, and a very young mother came in with her son. The son wanted her to read him a book, and she couldn’t – she was practically illiterate. She could just about manage a few words here and there, like “cat,” “the,” and “moon,” but apart from that, she was really struggling. It just made me feel really depressed. And it still does whenever I think of it.”
One Redditor said, “My Mom used to be a middle school teacher, and at the end of every year, the 8th graders got to go on a trip to Hershey Park (an amusement park in Pennsylvania). The kids would have to bring their own money to get something to eat halfway through the bus ride. She was chaperoning and saw everybody eating happily, other than this one kid who was eating out of the condiments bar. He was eating pickles, mustard, and ketchup, and nobody was helping him or giving him money. Finally, my mom stepped in and got him something to eat. The worst part is he didn’t forget the money. His parents didn’t have any to give him.”
One person shared, “My friends and I went to Chili’s one day and were seated near a well-dressed man who was alone. He had already ordered a bottle of wine, and there were flowers on the table. A lady showed up, and the couple argued for a bit until she took the flowers and left. The man ordered and ate in silence and had maybe one glass of wine, looking miserable as f****k. I saw him later in the parking lot crying in his car.”
A user wrote, “My mom told me about one time when we went out to Mcdonald’s when I was little. A man had sat down with his meal at a table and left to get ketchup. A woman with her kids sat down at the table, and she threw his uneaten meal away. The guy came back and just stared at the table where his food had been and walked away. The saddest part was that the man looked homeless. It was probably his only meal that day.”
One sad tale was, “Once on a camping, I saw a little boy running towards me. He yelled something like: “Help, please, somebody help me” He stopped when he saw me, and his mother grabbed him shortly after that.”
Another story was, “A man hitting his wife on a very crowded public street, and I don’t mean slapping her, full-blown swings to the head, luckily some police officers were walking by.”
Mental Health Struggles
One user wrote, “Saw a rather large woman in Mcdonald’s sitting in front of a double big mac meal and mcflurry. She stared at it for like 5 minutes, then ate it and cried simultaneously.”
A Redditor shared, “I saw a young child run up to his dad, crying, and trying to hug the dad and all. The dad just kicks him off and says, “f****k off, you brat.” I wanted to punch the dude for it. Neglect is horrid.”
A simple comment was, “I socked my friend’s dad in the mouth, hard. For beating on my buddy.”
Source: Reddit
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.