Unique Perspective: Telltale Signs of Growing Up In A Poor Home
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Growing up poor or disadvantaged can create a unique point of view on how we value the material things we have. Many things we were taught as children from our parents who may have grown up poor as well tend to stay with us for the rest of our lives. That said, it also may have taught many of us how to be resourceful and creative in finding ways to make ends meet, and may have a deep appreciation for the value of money and hard work.
One Redditor mentioned, “Never buying clothing at full price. It just feels illegal.”
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Replacing Items
This Redditor said, “Never replacing anything unless there’s absolutely no way to use the old thing anymore, and going to absurd lengths to keep something “still usable.”
A user also shared, “Odd hoarding behaviors of things you probably should have gotten rid of out of fear you won’t be able to replace them easily.”
Cheap Meals
This user said, “Scanning the menu for the cheapest options possible when at a restaurant. “It’s ok, the soup is really enough for me.”
One Redditor shared, “Difficulty throwing things away.”
To which a second Redditor replied, “This plastic bag only has two small holes. It can still carry things larger than the holes!”
Expensive Appliances
This user stated, “Still being marveled by an ice maker and side-by-side doors. I grew up thinking people with ice and water on their refrigerators were millionaires!”
A Redditor mentioned, “Realizing I wanted to have the house that all my kids’ friends came over to hang out at because that wasn’t really an option for big chunks of my childhood.”
A Redditor said, “Lack of exposure to cultural events. Missing out on experiences others may take for granted, such as attending concerts, traveling, or participating in extracurricular activities.”
Price Of Gas
This Redditor shared, “My personal favorite is all my friends asking me, “What do you mean you’ve never been there? It’s only an hour away!” Even traveling short distances is too much money.”
A user stated, “Traveling – I went on 2 out of state trips my entire childhood.”
Expensive Hobbies
One Redditor recalled, “In college, a rich friend once incredulously asked me, “What do you mean you’ve never been skiing????” like she couldn’t comprehend such a thing. Skiing is expensive, y’all.”
Summer Camp
This user shared, “Never going to summer camps when 99% of the other kids do. Lots of very lonely summers.”
Class Trips
A Redditor stated, “I didn’t go on the 8th-grade field trip to Washington, D.C., because we couldn’t afford it. I told everyone it was because we had lived there for a year, so I had seen it already.”
Finishing Your Food
A user said, “Will eat all the food on their plate, even after feeling full, because they can’t waste food.”
No Cable
This Redditor shared, “I wasn’t in the know with all the cool Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon shows.”
Needs VS Wants
One user said, “My boot got stuck in the mud on a hike once and when I pulled it out, the boot ripped right in half. My wife immediately said, “It’s okay, we can just buy a new pair,” My brain was like… “I mean…… I don’t know if I NEED them….” with my ripped half boot.”
This Redditor said, “I have ”poverty toes.” We didn’t have much money growing up, so shoes were worn until they died, regardless of fit. My toes are curled and with prominent knuckles from being scrunched into too-small shoes.”
Too Expensive
A user shared this experience, “My parents always said, “No, that’s too expensive” to most of the things I asked for until I was probably 14, and by then, I was unwilling to ask for things or would apologize profusely every time I did ask for something. Now I debate for months before buying anything over $100, but I will buy several things that cost $5-10, on impulse, over the course of a week.”
Always Reuse
This user shared, “One day my girlfriend asked me why I was washing Ziploc bags. I told her so we could reuse them later. It was only after the following discussion and some thinking that I realized it was not very normal.”
Water Trick
Finally, a Redditor said, “I didn’t come from money, I still do the “add water to stuff” trick because it bugs me that there’s still shampoo in the bottle, and it’s just going to get wet on my head anyway.”
Source Reddit
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