Readers Share Their Top 15 Surprisingly ‘Boomer’ Perspectives
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Stereotypes and generational gaps often shape our perspective of different age groups, and it’s no different when it comes to the viewpoints and opinions we hold. In a lighthearted exploration of these generational quirks, we turn to the non-boomers of Reddit with an intriguing question: What’s your most boomer opinion?
Technology and Social Media Usage
To start, a Redditor replied, “Five-year-olds don’t need Smartphones.”
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Another said, “I don’t want my damn refrigerator connected to the internet. It has one job.”
Work Ethic and Professionalism
One comment said, “Doing your own handi-work is rewarding and builds character.”
Mental and Physical Illnesses
One user replied, “Self-diagnosing really gets to me. If you read about ASD or bipolar disorder, or PTSD, and you relate to that, seek help. Don’t just read an article on Google and then decide you’re autistic or whatever.”
Traditional Values and Family Dynamics
A Redditor said, “Just because I disagree with your opinion doesn’t mean I hate you. I don’t need to agree with everything just to be politically correct. You can still disagree and be cordial. We seem to have forgotten that.”
Financial Planning and Saving
One user said, “Quit spending money on stupid stuff that you won’t want in a year and put it towards saving for the future.”
Another user added, “I’d really enjoy some social security.”
Traditional Media
A popular comment was, “I don’t like e-books. I only read books that are printed on paper. It’s just much more satisfying.”
Another comment said, “Most films have absolutely no need to be more than 2 hours long. 90 minutes can be plenty.”
Concerns about “Kids These Days”
A popular comment said, “Kids under 12 years old should not have a smartphone or tablet. If they need to call somebody, get them a flip phone and have them memorize their parents and close contacts numbers.”
Another comment was, “Teenagers are scary Edit: Mainly in groups of 3+”
Appreciation for Classics
One user said, “Absolutely everything is disposable nowadays. Nothing is made to last anymore. If you find something you like, it’ll be worn out in a year and probably not made anymore when you want to buy a replacement.”
Another said, “Oatmeal is an excellent breakfast, especially with some fruit.”
Respect for Authority
A popular comment was, “My son is going to go to an alternative high school where everyone–teachers and staff included–go by their first names. This is breaking my brain. Where’s the power distance? The formality?”
Manners and Etiquette
A Redditor said, “Sending out thank you notes when you receive a gift from someone. My mom was always big on that, and I understand why. I bought an expensive gift for my friend’s birthday, and she never messaged me or said thank you for the gift. Saying thank you isn’t hard and means a lot to the person.”
Tipping Culture
A user wrote, “I hate tipping; just pay your workers a fair wage. Also, I live in a state where servers must be paid at least minimum wage, unlike some states that can pay less, so tipping is that much more annoying to me.
One Redditor commented, “Unnecessarily loud cars.”
Another replied. “No one is impressed by your insanely loud car. Everyone hates you. Buy a muffler.”
Face-to-Face Interactions
One Redditor said, “No phones when you’re eating with someone.”
A second Redditor replied, “When you have friends over, you’re not supposed to be on the phone all the time. Just talk, go outside, play games.”
Belief in Hard Work and Personal Responsibility
One user replied, “Participation trophies are ridiculous, and kids should learn how to lose. It’s a healthy part of life!”
Decline of Traditional Values and Morality
Finally, someone said, “People nowadays are too eager to blame everyone else for their problems.”
Source: Reddit
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