Unveiling the Truth: 21 Signs That May Indicate a Terrible Parent
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During our younger years, we often perceive our parents as the epitome of strictness and inconvenience. They enforce early bedtimes, prioritize homework over socializing, and even insist on consuming vegetables. However, in reality, the majority of parents are not as terrible as we might believe. It is important to note that I did mention the word “most.” Although rare, certain behaviors can indeed indicate a parent’s inadequacy. So, what are the telltale signs of being a terrible parent?
YouTube Parents
One reader replied, “Youtube Family channel parents.”
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Another reader added, “I was looking for this reply. It should be higher up, especially if it’s a “family prank” style channel.”
Mocking Children
A user wrote, “Filming your child trying to mock them only because “it’s funny” when it’s clearly uncomfortable for them, and then post the video on the internet.”
A second user replied, “I was an assistant manager at Spirit Halloween a couple of years ago, and there was a couple there who filmed their clearly terrified young child screaming and crying at the animatronics, and they laughed. It hurt my heart.”
Want Nothing To Do With Children
A popular comment read, “If their kids are older and want nothing to do with them.”
Another most liked comment was, “Mom screams at me to move out and never talk to her again if she is such a bad mother. I move out and never talk to her again.”
Not Saying They’re Wrong
A very blunt comment was, “Not saying sorry to your kid when you are in the wrong or made a mistake.”
A second comment read, “My parents apparently believed that when they say sorry, they immediately will be reduced to my slaves.”
Talking About Ex
A person replied, “Talking ____ about your ex in front of your kid.”
Another added, “There was this woman who would rant about her ex-husband in front of her kids all. the. time. and their faces would look so sad and hurt. You may hate that man, but your kids have part of his DNA and take everything you say to heart. It’s a poisonous and manipulative thing to do.”
Neglecting Your Child’s Needs and Safety
One user bluntly wrote, “Smoking c**** or shooting d*** in front of your children. That happens more often than you would think.”
Another user added, “Someone got mad at me recently because I refuse to smoke anywhere near kids.”
A third user replied, “Parents who do this should lose all parental rights.”
Constantly Grounding Children
A comment read, “Your kid is literally always grounded.”
A second comment was, “I knew way too many kids growing up who were grounded every year all year for their grades. It seemed stupid to me then, and it seems abusive to me now.”
Criticize Their Kids
A reader added, “Parents who s___-talk and criticize their kid in public just for behaving like a kid. Especially when they’re nowhere near out of control and just asking for a candy bar or something.”
A second replied, “This just makes me so sad for kids. My friend and I were out to lunch and heard a mom tell her infant “can you just shut the hell up?” For baby babbling. Like… normal, not even loud.”
Partner Over Children
An interesting comment was, “This just makes me so sad for kids. My friend and I were out to lunch and heard a mom tell her infant “can you just shut up?” For baby babbling. Like… normal, not even loud.”
A person replied, “ I’d also say parents who date people who are a bad influence on their children. My uncle is a POS and treats everyone like a servant. He started dating my mom’s best friend, a single mother to an 11 year old boy. The kid was already spoiled, but in less than a year, he started picking up swearing at other kids/adults, throwing massive fits if he doesn’t get his way, and just using the same bullying tactics my uncle uses.”
Screen Time
One user added, “Letting your kids stare at screens 24/7.”
Another user replied, “Leaving their kids in the food court with a tablet as their “entertainment” and going god knows where. I saw a mom do this and I waited in my seat, watching the kid from afar like a child kidnapper.”
Smoking Around Children
A user wrote, “Parents who smoke in a car with the kids and or infants in the car. Usually with the windows up. Nasty. I totally hated the time when a friend stopped by my house to show me the baby they had a few weeks ago. They brought the baby into the house, and the poor kids AND the baby smelled and reeked of cigarette smoke… W**!”
Crazy Kid’s Names
One popular comment was, “Naming your kid a ****, annoying name, or one that is deliberately misspelled to be “cool.”
Another comment was, “I recall a kid named “Anakin Bane.” Brutal.”
Kids Raising Kids
A reader commented, “Forcing your older children to parent your younger children. This is called parentification. It’s a form of abuse/neglect, and it’s unfortunately quite common.”
A second reader added, “Especially in terms of responsibility. I think it’s natural for kids to try to get privileges and independence that usually only adults have, but when the kid takes on adult responsibilities in the home, you’ve got trouble.”
The Child Can Do No Wrong
One person wrote, “Defending every action/behavior of your kid without hearing the other party’s side. It’s obviously natural and important to listen to your child, but you should not be disregarding the fact that your kid can make mistakes and is not perfect.”
Another person replied, “Or, for that matter, believing every story you hear about your child, no matter how outlandish it may be.”
Perfect Social Media Life
A popular comment was, “Projecting a perfect life on social media when in reality the kid gets ignored unless it’s for the photo opportunity.”
Not Listening To Child
A user responded, “It is quite simple, but parents who do not listen to their kids. This doesn’t mean that you always give the kid what they want when they want it. It means actually listening (active listening) to the kids and hearing what they need/want, then reasoning with them and coming up with a plan together to resolve their issues.”
A second user added, “Listening saves so much heartache.”
Drinking and Driving
One comment was, “Drinking and driving with your kid(s) in the back.”
A second comment read, “I see this so much in South Florida. Had to end a few friendships over it too.”
Emotional Trauma
A reader commented, “Throwing emotional tantrums at your kid and threatening to leave and never come back. Like seriously? Do you want to watch your kid drown in tears and beg you to stay? This is a higher level of being a narcissist.”
A second reader replied, “My mom one time through a huge fit helping me do math homework when I was 8 and told me she was going to go for a ride and hopefully will get in a car crash because I couldn’t figure out my math.”
Multiple Partners
One most liked comment read, “5 kids, to 5 different women, while on welfare.”
A second comment was, “A woman I know had 8 different kids with 8 different people. She was on welfare and treated each kid terribly.”
Disgusting Conditions
One commenter wrote, “Keeping your kids in a disgusting environment! Dirty clothes, dirty dishes, and trash everywhere! I’ve seen it all, and it’s disheartening.”
Being Judgemental of Other Parents
A user said, “Being judgemental of other parents. Maybe you got an easy kid. You don’t know what that child or parent is going through.”
Finally, another user wrote, “Telling other people how to raise their children. The Venn Diagram of people who are so sure of how to raise kids that they regularly tell other people how to do it, and people who mess up raising kids seem to have a lot of overlap.”
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
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