10 Things Men Admitted They Will Never Understand About Women
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We’re all trying to figure out how the opposite sex works. What goes through their mind sometimes, and what do they want?
Recently as I was scrolling a popular internet forum, I came across the question, “Men of Reddit, what is something you’ll never understand about women?” Here are the top-voted responses.
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1. How Do They Do the Magic Towel Head Wrap?
The number one voted response read, “How they get out of the shower and do that weird thing on their head with a towel, then suddenly they have this monument on their head.” Another gave step-by-step instructions well-received by men with long hair claiming they didn’t know and were grateful.
2. Why Do They Always Have Cold Feet?
One person asked, “How are their feet always so cold?” While another stated, “Not only feet… The hands and nose of my wife are often the same temperatures.” Finally, a woman said, “Listen, they are, and there’s no way of warming them.”
3. Why Can’t They Accept We Are Thinking About Nothing?
One user expressed, “When she asks me what are you thinking and I say nothing, why won’t she believe me?” A second added, “Also, on this ‘You’re so distant, why are you annoyed/what are you annoyed about?”
“Nothing, I’m just not thinking about anything. I’m just existing, but you think I am annoyed because I’m silent and not making facial expressions. Their mindset is they obsess and think all day, so we must too.”
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4. How Do They Magically Make Things Appear?
“How can they magically make things appear in front of them that I’ve spent 15 minutes looking for,” asked one. Another confessed, “One time I asked my wife, ‘Babe have you seen…” and before I could even finish what I was looking for, she said, “It’s between your nightstand and the wall.”‘
“She knew I was looking for my wallet before I told her, and it had fallen behind my nightstand, witchcraft.
5. Why Must Their Shower Water Temperature Cause Pain?
“Shower temperature. What is up with this Mordor water? Why must you feel the pain to feel cleansed?” One asked. Several others agreed that women love showers that “burn so good.”
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6. Why Do They Complain Without Wanting Solutions?
“I have a wife and two daughters who will bring up issues and problems they encounter. However, I still have not quite learned that they do not want a discussion about how to solve these problems,” one confessed.
A second shared, “A friend of mine, when something pretty intense happened, asked, ‘Do you want me to help or just to listen?’ And I thought that was so considerate. So sometimes listening has to come first before we’re ready to move on to the helping part.”
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7. How Do They Talk To Their Moms for Hours?
“How you can talk to your mom on the phone for multiple hours weekly. My dad calls me when he needs me to order something on Amazon for him, and that’s about it,” shared one. Another argued, “As an adult male, I always talk to my parents. That’s called normal human bonding.”
8. How Do They Always Smell So Good?
One person asked, “How do they always smell so good all the time. Like, how?” One woman confessed, “I promise I do NOT smell good after exercise, backcountry work, nor gutting fish. Women can get rank just like men.”
9. Why Do They Need So Many Pillows?
“Why do they need so many pillows?” asked one. Many agree that women have a pillow mountain phenomenon. However, someone argued, “Coming from a middle-aged man who’s slept wrong on his neck several nights in a row, I’m beginning to learn the value of having numerous, quality pillows.”
10. Why Do They Engage In Frenemy Behavior?
One man inquired, “Frenemy behavior. Why do you keep other women around that you actively despise to complain about them?” Finally, someone suggested, “I think most of the time it’s because the one they don’t like is friends with their other friends. I don’t know, though. I ditch people I hate.”
What Do you think? Did Reddit get this right, or did they miss the mark? This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Motherhood Life Balance.
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Image credit: Depositphotos – AllaSerebrina