10 Big Things People Are Ignoring That Will Be a Massive Problem in 20 Years
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Can you think of anything you see becoming an issue in the next couple of decades? You’ve got company. After someone asked Redditors, “What will be a problem 20 years from now that people are choosing to ignore?” These are the top-voted concerns.
1. Bee Counts
The number-one voted response without contest is the declining bee population. Several noted that the problem is already here and that most don’t understand the magnitude of the situation. Bees pollinate and are necessary for our survival.
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2. Deep Fakes
Many people in the thread agreed that deep fakes might become good enough that it will be hard to check quickly if a video is real or fake. Additionally, they discussed how people on Facebook share images with quotes attributed to the wrong people all of the time.
One explained, “Exactly. You can already post a picture of anyone you want with some nonsense quote next to it, and half of Facebook will take it as absolute gospel truth that they must have said that.
So it’s pretty easy to fool people. The average Facebooker isn’t exactly fact-checking things. Moreover, there is a reasonably large ‘anti-fact-checkers’ movement among certain political groups and campaigns.”
3. Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic resistance was voted the number three issue that people are ignoring. One Redditor suggested, “You know the most screwed up thing?
Here in Europe, countries are already developing replacements but cannot give them to the USA. Do you know why? Because the USA cannot promise to keep them from being released as well as not advertise them.
Europe wants to keep them hidden until necessary so no one develops a tolerance against them. The USA seeks to promote them for money. Pretty messed up if you ask me.” Finally, someone stated, “A cured patient is a lost customer.”
4. Scarcity of Fresh Water
Several users informed the thread that freshwater scarcity is already in the Southwestern states. One shared, “Here in Arizona, we see cities lose access to water. You can only take so much from the ground until it’s gone.
Other cities refuse to share. Whole neighborhoods will be vacated or supplied with illegally obtained water.”
Another added, “Went to Mexico. Businesses and residents get it delivered to their private tanks. It costs a lot, from what I gather. It will probably be the future of the American southwest.”
5. Fake Life Becoming More Compelling Than Real Life
One Redditor suggested, “I think we’re already close to being there. I’m in college right now and shocked by the number of people wanting to have all their interactions on social media and not do anything.” Several others agreed that we were already there.
6. Generation Rent
Someone asked, “What happens to ‘generation rent’ come retirement? A second joked, “Did I hear someone say ‘generation work right into an early grave?’ Before a third replied, “Ah, the problem that solves itself!
7. Unlimited Screen Time
Many Redditors discussed how doctors had warned parents and childcare givers for years about the dangers of giving toddlers and young children unlimited screen time.
One suggested, “It’s completely changed how they gain knowledge already. Six-second TikToks destroy the ability to focus on a task and reverberate everywhere.”
8. Spinal Health
“Our spinal health,” one replied. “Take care of yourselves, people. Exercise, hydrate, eat healthily and be conscious of your posture. We are not young forever.”
A second added, “Seriously, do lower back exercises at the gym. That “pooch” (it’s called a paunch!) on your lower stomach often indicates horrible posture. Once I started spinal exercises, I got rid of it and was also taller.”
9. Mental Health Crisis
Many Redditors suggested that the mental health crisis isn’t getting any better, so 20 years from now, it’s safe to assume it will be worse. One said, “Based on the increasing number of public shootings and such, I’d say it has yet to peak, unfortunately.”
After some people tried to make excuses and justify politics, one shared,
“28 mass shootings in January of 2020 in the US, 35 in January of 2021 in the US, 40 in January of 2022 in the US, 52 in January of 2023 in the US.”
10. Teacher Shortage in the U.S.
Finally, people acknowledged the current teacher shortage would become a more severe issue in the next twenty years. One explained, “Yep. I have four longtime friends who are certified teachers and have moved into other careers because of the lack of pay and support.
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Good teachers are leaving in droves because their skill set is more appreciated in other industries. Teachers know how to get things done; those skills translate in any workplace.”
What do you think? Did Reddit get this right, or do you perceive bigger issues? This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Motherhood Life Balance.
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