16 Facts People Wish They Knew Before Becoming An Adult
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As children, we yearn for adulthood, but as adults, we often long for the simplicity of our childhood. If only we had foreseen what awaited us in the grown-up world. We believe that getting a job and having financial stability will solve all our problems, yet we remain oblivious to the countless challenges no one warned us about or equipped us to handle. What is a perplexing adult problem you encountered, completely unprepared for?
All About Boxes
One Redditor replied, “How hard it is to throw away a box because it’s a really good box!”
From Blah to Bliss
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Another Redditor wrote, “My guest room closet has two ginormous boxes shipped from Walmart and about 20-30 various sizes boxes all stacked perfectly by size. 2 years and growing. They come in handy for Christmas presents and stuff.”
Friend Challenges
A user added, “How hard it is to make new friends.”
A second user responded with, “Thing about friends I learned is quality over quantity. Three good friends are better than 15 that will turn their back on you in a time of need. I don’t have a ton of friends, but they will all show up to help me move. I will do the same for them. Making friends can be hard, but the good ones will find you.”
Jobs are Hard
A popular comment was, “Sitting in a chair for 8 hours and then being exhausted afterward.”
Another popular comment read, “When I came home from college and was living with my parents while I saved up some money, I got my first “real” 9-5 job. I came home after my first day and just collapsed on the couch, and my dad was just like, “Now you get it.”
Food Problems
One Redditor wrote, “Figuring out what to eat. Every day.”
Another Redditor replied, “Not just the figuring out but also the cooking of. Even if you meal prep, it still takes up a lot of mental energy and time.”
Product Costs
A most-liked comment was, “I was so shocked when I went to buy my first kitchen table and found that the reasonable, no-name, generic table and chair sets were like, $1,000. My 21 year old self was like, why didn’t anyone tell me how much these things cost??”
Another comment read, “Blinds are STUPID expensive. Once I have nice blinds, I’ll know I’ve made it in life.”
Mental Illness Awareness
One smart user said, “The average age of onset for several mental illnesses is in late adolescence and early adulthood.”
Stupidity is Real
A Redditor replied, “How stupid adults are. Especially the ones who are in charge.”
A second Redditor added, “Yep. The unit manager for my department is completely clueless on how to lead or run a department, nor does he know the job and tasks for the 100 employees he oversees, and he makes the decisions. Yet he’s protected by the corporate structure of my company. As long as his numbers are good, that’s all that matters.”
One funny comment read, “Hemorrhoids……and then getting the cute punk guy at the pharmacy every time you try to fill the RX…..but can’t get it filled for various reasons, so you have to go back repeated times and have this ridiculously attractive guy explain the reasons you can’t get your prescription ass cream.”
You Have Stuff To Do
One user added, “You really do have to do stuff you don’t want to do. If I have something stressing me at work, I have to handle it. It’s not like forging a note from my mom to get out of gym class due to menstrual cramps.”
Another user replied, “You have to do stuff you don’t want to do,” which really sums it up. Sometimes I leave for work in the morning, and I’m like, “I really don’t want to go!” But it’s, like, too bad. I gotta eat.”
Aging Parents
A Redditor wrote, “Taking over for your aging parents.”
Another Redditor replied, “My parents run an accounting firm and want to retire soon and have me take it over. I am so stressed out about it, I’ve been working for them for almost 10 years, but I’m so worried I’m not ready. Not having the details worked out makes it more stressful. Are they gonna want me to pay them some kind of pension? Do they want me to manage the real estate too? Does that mean I have to take over the mortgages? I know it’s an amazing opportunity, but I feel overwhelmed.”
Can’t Do What You Want
One user commented, “You can no longer eat what you want, and dieting and exercising are a must as you age.”
Another user added, “As soon as I turned 30, I stopped being able to eat Flamin Hot anything. My heart is broken.”
Jobs Don’t Care
A popular common read, “Your job doesn’t care about you. At all. So don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself or doing what you need to do.”
An equally popular comment was, “Your job doesn’t care about you. At all. So don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself or doing what you need to do.”
Time Management
One Redditor wrote, “Proper time management and how to balance all the different aspects of your life and character without giving up your responsibilities.”
Hair Everywhere
A funny comment was, “Hair in ears and nose. Currently, an adult, and you’re not experiencing this?? Just you wait.”
Another comment read, “And on the chin when you’re a woman above a certain age. I don’t want to know what kind of situation a woman might find herself in later life that will require having a beard to deal with it.”
One Redditor wrote, “Health insurance and high ER billing.”
A second Redditor added, “Dealing with insurance companies. Nobody ever told me you pay them all your money and then have to try really really hard to convince them later on to part with it.”
A user wrote, “Every time I spend money on something, I feel guilty about it. Even when it’s something less than $10.”
Another user added, “Same, it’s like I’ve been told so many times that a coffee will lead to financial ruin, I can’t get over it. It feels illegal to have a treat.”
Source: Reddit
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