Top 15 Tips Women Can Listen To At Any Age
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In our personal journeys, we often establish guiding principles or rules that shape our decisions and actions. One intriguing question has emerged: “What is your one single rule?” This thought-provoking inquiry invites individuals to reflect on the fundamental principle they live by in their daily lives. The responses shared by participants provide valuable insights into the diverse range of personal philosophies and values that influence their behavior and choices. Join us as we explore the stories and reflections shared by contributors, highlighting the transformative power of a single rule in navigating life’s challenges and fostering personal growth.
To begin, someone said, “Prioritize sleep! When you sleep well: You eat better (better health), are in a better mood (better relationships), look better (skincare and confidence), and your brain functions better (better decisions, better performance at work and school, better mental health). Your hormones are also more balanced if you get enough sleep. Sleep is everything!”
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A user replied, “Don’t crawl back. Something my therapist told me that it took me a long time to apply. Don’t crawl back to an ex, to a toxic friend, to a sh****ty family, or to anyone who doesn’t feel like an improvement in your life. Don’t lower yourself. Don’t crawl back.”
A second user said, “Deal with uncomfortable things immediately before they turn into a mountain of issues, and I don’t know where to start. Had one too many relationships fall apart because a friend made me feel uncomfortable, and I decided to take the discomfort instead of talking it out and making the other person deal with it with me.”
One comment was, “I’m responsible for my happiness.”
Another comment was, “I once read the quote “surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming” and I live by it now.’
One person said, “Be kind. If you do your best to be kind to everyone and everything- INCLUDING YOURSELF. It’s a good f****king start for everything else.”
Another person added, “Always buy someone’s food when at the groceries store and their card stops working/ they realized they forgot their wallet.”
A user commented, “The way people treat animals, and people in subordinate or service roles — or anyone who is downhill the power gradient from them — says everything about who they are.”
A second user added, “If someone doesn’t show you the respect you know you deserve in a situation, leave. you might think that trying to appease that person could pay off, but it takes too much energy and hurts in the process. don’t lose yourself.”
Careful Communication
One funny comment was, “Never, ever pi**** off either your hair stylist or your dentist. They can inflict untold amounts of misery with a simple “oops!”
One user commented, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Always be prepared.”
Someone shared, “Be honest and kind. They tend to negate each other. it can be a challenge.”
Someone else replied, “If you know that you’re in the wrong, apologize. Don’t keep an ego and make anyone else feel guilty for your mistake.”
A funny comment was, “Watch out for the man obsessed with his mother. Watch out for the man who hates his mother.”
Another comment was, “For friends, if you have a problem with me, if I offend you, come talk to me, not behind my back.”
A user replied, “Pay close attention to who a person will call their “friends.” Bad company corrupts good character. Everything you need to know about someone is who they surround themselves with.”
Another user added, “Integrity is currency.”
One comment was, “No one cares. And I mean this in a good way. No one cares what you’re wearing. No one hates you. No one thinks you’re a bad person.”
Another comment was, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time!”
A user commented, “Never be financially reliant on anyone.”
A second user suggested, “Buy everything with my (cash back) credit card and pay the balance off every month. Then I have an itemized list of all my purchases plus at least $100 cashback per cycle.”
One user commented, “I am the most important thing in my life. Anyone that tries to degrade me, hurt me, or insult me in any way will be automatically cut off. Because if I don’t take care and watch out for myself, no one else is going to do it.”
A second user added, “Stop trying to keep people in your life who no longer fit and don’t want to be there just because you’re afraid to let go.”
Trusting Intuition
A user replied, “Trust your gut. If something/someone feels unsafe, get out of there.”
Another user said, “If there’s a niggling feeling that something ain’t right, it probably isn’t, and you should pay attention to that.”
One comment was, “If you’re an optimist, you’re either right or disappointed. If you’re a pessimist, you’re either right or pleasantly surprised. So always prepare for the worst and don’t expect things to go well.”
Source: Reddit
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.