15 Things That Perfectly Fit “You’ll Understand It When You’re Older” That We Didn’t Understand As Kids
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Have you ever experienced that “aha” moment when something older people used to say suddenly makes sense now that you’re older? We all have those moments of enlightenment, where we finally understand the meaning behind the “you’ll understand it when you’re older” phrase. It could be valuable advice, a life lesson, or a complex concept that becomes crystal clear with time and experience. So, what’s that one thing you fully grasped only when you became a little wiser?
Childhood Memories
First, a user replied, “Learning to live through loneliness as a child is a gift.”
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Another user said, “Can we get McDonald’s? No, we have food at home.”
A person advised, “Understanding why your parents wanted you to go play with the awkward kid or why they were so keen to help you make friends. It’s beyond annoying as a kid when your parents try to guide who you make friends with, but most parents instinctually know that bad social habits start early, are hard to break, and can be a real burden when you are older.”
A second person added, “The quiet, boring, simple times are the best. Everyone’s fed, happy, healthy, chill, napping… these are the good times.”
Workplace Politics
One popular comment was, “Some people will carry their high school behavior with them into the adult world and especially into the workplace, so it’s important to keep your guard up and learn how to deal with those types.”
Family Relationships
A user replied, “Hand me downs. I absolutely hated them, even though my grandma was a genius with them. Dyeing, artistic patches, new buttons… They just didn’t last compared to the new clothes my older sister had. Then I had 3 boys in 6 years… I’m seriously grateful that my grandma tried so hard to make my hand-me-downs look good. I get it now.”
A wise comment said, “How stupid you are right now. People tend to think they’re pretty knowledgeable and wise at any given moment in their life, but then you age a decade and look back and think, “Wow, I was SUCH an idiot. How did I not realize how much of a D bag I was being?” and other such things. Then you’ll think, “I’m glad I’m better now. Now I’m pretty knowledgeable and wise.” then another decade passes….”
College Life
A user replied, “My friends used to call me a lightweight in college. Then the time to pay the tab came. They spent $80 while I spent $15, and I had just as much fun as they did.”
Cooking and Recipes
One funny comment was, “Why it’s so annoying when you forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.”
Relationship Milestones
A commenter replied, “How many people have a kid thinking it’s going to fix their relationship.”
A second Redditor commented, “Love. I thought I loved my wife when I was 20. Now I am 50, and we have been together for over 30 years. I realize now that when I was 20, I didn’t understand what love was. I hope 70-year-old me looks back on 50-year-old me and says the same thing.”
Personality Persona
One smart comment was, “Not everybody is going to like you, even if you’re a good person.”
Someone then said, “Conversely, not everyone you like will be a good person. Had to learn that the hard way.”
Life Lessons
One reader wrote, “Things simply just don’t work out. A job, a partner, sometimes family, and friends. The most well-intended people just don’t always work out.”
Another reader replied, “There’s really no going back- you really just get one shot with each hour you get. Just have to make your peace with the choice/path you took and keep it moving.”
A funny user wrote, “The sound of your joints exploding every time you get up.”
Another user thought, “Literally getting older. Never thought much about when adults would say, “You’re still young. Just enjoy it.” I always wanted to be older because I was tired of HS, wanted to be out of college, etc. Now I want aging to slow down a bit.”
Sports Fanaticism
A funny story was, “When I was a kid, I wanted to make my middle name Jordan after Michael Jordan. My first name starts with a B, so I thought people could give me the nickname BJ. Never understood why my mom and brother started laughing and shut that idea down until I was older.”
School Days
A comment was, “one user wrote, “High school drama isn’t important. Like, at all.”
Another comment was, “I teach high school, and I get some students who almost never focus on their work because they’re too caught up in the personal drama. They’ll be sitting there gossiping about some he said; she said BS. I’ll tell them to be quiet and get on with their work, and the response is, “No, Miss, you don’t understand! This is really important. There’s serious drama happening!” I explain that their education is more important than whatever petty BS they’re discussing. That they are likely going to fail because they are so caught up in crap that it literally does not matter, and that failure will have a negative impact on the rest of their life… But to them, education is irrelevant, and gossip is life or death.”
Health Issues
One person replied, “Health issues. I know I’ve been genetically lucky, but after 20, random sh****t just starts happening for no reason. It’s like Darryl developing a soy allergy at 35. Who develops a soy allergy at 35?”
A second person suggested, “The importance of having good insurance and how expensive it can be without getting it from job benefits.”
Financial Wisdom
A popular comment was, “Money. There was a reason that you didn’t get those shoes, the PS5, a new shiny car, etc. Maintaining a home and keeping the family fed is f****king expensive.”
Friendship Fate
One user replied, “Friendships fading away. I remember my dad telling me all kinds of cool stories about things he and his friends did in the past. I even asked him “why aren’t you still friends with these people?” He really did basically say “it’s complicated, you’ll understand when you’re older.” Even back then I remember thinking “that’s crazy, me and my friends will always be friends.” Sitting here now in my early 30’s, and it really hits home.”
Finally, a wise user commented, “That the quality rather than quantity of friends matters.”
Source: Reddit
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