17 Gross Things That Make Us Cringe
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Our desires, necessities, and dislikes often guide us. Some actions have the power to evoke intense feelings of disgust and aversion. In this intriguing journey, we delve deep into personal revulsion and ask: What specific behaviors elicit a strong sense of disgust in you?
Poor Hygiene and Personal Care
To start, a reader commented, “Leaving pee all over the toilet seat and not flushing.”
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Another reader added, “People who clip their fingernails in public. W. T. F. is wrong with you?”
Lack of Respect for Personal Space
One person replied, “People who demand respect when they’re definitely not giving it. You’re not entitled to it.”
Rudeness and Disrespectful Behavior
A popular comment said, “People who make you feel “weird” for your interests/hobbies.”
Another comment was, “Checking your phone while another person is talking with you and then replying with hmm mhm, um, etc .”
Intolerance and Prejudice
A user replied, “Hating someone because they’re different. Race, religion, sexual preference, class, anything that can be classified, some a****hat and friends will feel superior to it. Me? I hate everyone equally.”
Another user added, “Deceitful mischaracterizations when a group tries to demonize someone based upon said group’s perception rather than reality.”
Animal Cruelty
One person said, “Animal cruelty.”
A second person replied, “People that are mean to animals, nothing revolts me more.”
Dishonesty and Deception
A most-liked comment was, “Faking mental disorders for attention.”
Another comment said, “There’s a current trend on TikTok where people are pretending to have mental health issues and various cognitive disabilities for internet clout.”
Arrogance and Entitlement
A user replied, “People who hold other people to standards higher than they hold themselves.”
A second user wrote, “Entitlement. It’s like a disease that’s spreading.”
Ignorance and Willful Ignorance
One reader commented, “refusing to learn and reflect as an adult.”
A second reader added, “Judging other people’s opinions without understanding their perspective first and then proceed to insult them for having that opinion.”
Lack of Basic Manners and Etiquette
One funny comment was, “Chewing with your mouth open and making that smacking noise.”
Bullying and Harassment
A user simply said, “Bullying, especially when it’s done to vulnerable people and animals who can’t defend themselves.”
Unsanitary Food Handling
A comment was, “People who say they’re “too busy” to clean up, do their dishes or take basic care of a house but sit feet propped up for hours and days while the dirty dishes pile up, festering and getting moldy.”
Loud and Obnoxious Behavior
One user said, “People who lack self-awareness in public. It’s enough to make my blood boil.”
Another user replied, “When a person starts talking loudly about a topic that is quite embarrassing or uncomfortable for you, which makes you feel uncomfortable on the street.”
Excessive Littering and Pollution
A popular comment read, “Littering. Especially smokers who just drop their butts without even thinking about it.”
Another comment said, “Seeing people throw trash out of a car window.”
Lack of Empathy and Compassion
One reader replied, “lack of empathy, people would say the meanest sh**** and go to sleep like nothing, lmao.”
Excessive Selfishness and Greed
A user added, “People who get pregnant and after having the kid pushing it on the grandparents so the “parent” (I use that term loosely as it can be) can live their own life without having the responsibility of raising said kid.”
Another user said, “Stealing, specifically porch pirates. I just don’t understand how someone can just take something that’s not theirs without feeling awful. I’m more sympathetic with people taking necessities from stores because of corporations. But taking the UPS package to some random person’s door? It’s so scummy.”
Manipulative and Controlling Behavior
One commenter replied, “Dads who don’t pay child support because they don’t like the mother of their kid(s).”
Harmful and Abusive Actions
Finally, a user said, “Adults who demean or abuse other adults or kids.”
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.