Unmasking Toxic Norms: 15 Behaviors Society Has Wrongly Normalized
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Society is a complex web of behaviors and beliefs, some of which have been ingrained over time – even when they’re harmful. It’s disheartening to realize that certain toxic behaviors have become normalized in our daily lives. Join us in a conversation about the harmful behavior that society has wrongly accepted as part of the norm. From subtle biases to destructive patterns, this space sheds light on the issues we should collectively challenge, question, and work to change. Let’s discuss how recognizing and confronting these behaviors is crucial to fostering healthier and more compassionate communities.
Dissing Passions and Interests
Many people agree that our society has made it ok to be rude or “put down people” for liking something that you do not like. This is especially true with odd passions or interests like Star Wars or collecting Pokemon cards. People think that this needs to change, or we will lose many awesome passions and interests.
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Overworking seems to be the norm for many people today. They are willing to work their weekend away at home for no extra pay or companies telling them that they have to stay past their contracted hours for the “good of the company.” No one should be overworking themselves. Life is too short.
Being Passive Aggressive
We’ve all met and hung out with people pretending to be polite but are finding ways to make passive-aggressive comments, and this needs to stop! One person even shared a personal experience with another woman stating that she knew a woman who constantly would say rude things but then giggle. Saying things like “hehe, I’m sorry, just kidding,” and her friends would back her with “Oh, she’s so nice and innocent.” No, she was just plain rude.
Parent’s Love
Many times parents mistake “love” as a thing that can be bought. They often think that giving their children whatever they want whenever they want is “love.” Sadly, this should stop. Love isn’t about having things but showing you care for your children and spending time with them.
If you’ve ever driven down a highway in a big city, you’ll see plenty of trash on the side of the road. Even in small towns, trash can be seen on the sidewalks, in sewer drains, and even in fields. Littering has become an “ok” thing to do. It’s not, and one person agrees, saying that we are messing up the planet and we need to stop.
Texting While Driving
Besides being annoying, texting while driving is super unsafe! Your eyes are often down, and you are no longer paying attention to your surroundings. Red lights, pedestrians, and other cars become a blur, and accidents happen quickly. Knock it off!
Customer Always Right
The customer is now always right, and this narrative is making it challenging for any store, restaurant, or business to find people who want to work for them. No one wants to be screamed at by someone or insulted, and with a “customers always right” mentality, it happens often.
Trial by Social Media
Everyone feels as though they have a right to judge each other nowadays, mostly because of social media. News stations, people, and other outlets put people on blast before any evidence, information, or wrongdoing has been proven. One person agreed by saying that if you’re accused of some wrongdoing. Even if it’s not illegal, there is no proof, or it’s untrue. A few loud people can destroy you within a day.
Relationship Problems
We all know it happens behind closed doors. People often argue, cheat on, and fight with their spouse, partner, etc. But now, it is happening all over social media. Posting fighting videos, parent drop-off arguments, etc., and posting them for the whole world to see!
Relationship Pranks
Being cheated on is bad enough, but can you imagine it all being a prank? Apparently, this is a thing on social media, and the pranksters think it is absolutely hysterical. Many agree; however, these videos are not just mortifying and cringy. They are disrespectful to your partner, and they should leave the prankster immediately.
Lack of Empathy
Some think we have a complete lack of empathy for others nowadays, and that may be true in some situations. One person believes that people are more selectively empathetic, which they see as worse. They said that a person who can choose a life devoid of empathetic reasoning and decision-making is far more dangerous than someone who’s physically and mentally incapable of feelings of empathy.
Cruel and Careless
People nowadays seem to be a little more cruel and careless than they once were. They often do not think of the consequences and how their actions, words, etc, could hurt others. Many people blame social media for validating rude and cruel behavior, and one comment was that it doesn’t matter how you act as long as you get enough likes.
Instant Replies
In today’s day and age, it seems like everyone thinks we need to instantly reply to every text message, email, or phone call. Covid made this even worse since many people were working from home and responding to their bosses, coworkers, etc., at all hours of the day and night.
Anti-vaccination is literally toxic to our society. People who decide not to get their children vaccinated against diseases such as measles-mumps-rubella are choosing not only to put their own children at risk. But are also putting other people at risk as well. People agree that many anit-vaxers are not guided by scientific research. It’s more sociological and personal for them.
Crazy Ex-girlfriends
Finally, people are noticing that the “crazy” ex-girlfriend is getting pretty old. Men are often calling all their exes “crazy” when really maybe that’s just a red flag for them. Run, ladies, run. You’ll probably just end up as “crazy” anyway.
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As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.