People Share Troubling Secrets About Those Close to Them
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Secrets possess an uncanny ability to lurk in the shadows, wreaking havoc on the lives of those involved. As individuals, we navigate through relationships, cherishing the bonds we form with our loved ones. However, beneath the facade of familiarity and trust lies the potential for jarring revelations that shatter the very essence of our connections. Delving into the realm of hidden truths, we confront a haunting inquiry: What is the most unsettling secret you have ever unearthed about someone dear to you?
Betrayal within Relationships
To start, a user shared, “My best friend confessed to me that he has a child as a result of a long-distance affair in another country. He has three kids in the US and is in a toxic marriage. His wife doesn’t know.”
From Blah to Bliss
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Hidden Criminal Activities
One reader said, “The reason grandma moved away, when my dad was still a baby, to a big city, more than 3 days away from her family, was because she stabbed her stepfather and almost killed him (it was a very small village).”
Dark Family Secrets
A user replied, “I was pretty close with my youngest uncle growing up, at least in pictures (he was in his mid-20s when I was like 5 for context). One day when I was in middle school, he just stopped coming around completely. My entire family told us, kids, that he was backpacking around the nation. In high school, I was going a genealogy project on my grandfather (his dad) and accidentally found my uncle’s name on the s**** offender registry. Come to find out, he was running a CP ring and had served 16 years in federal prison. He’s out now, and my family pretends nothing happened. I stay far away.”
Shocking Double Lives
One interesting story was, “When my Grandfather passed away, we discovered that he did not exist. His name was not in any government registry. He was a normal citizen, paid taxes, had a license, and everything. Lived a long life, married to my grandmother for over 50 years, had multiple children, and everything was normal. Still, to now, no one knows who he really was and why he had a false name.”
Disturbing Terrorist Plots
One commenter shared, “They were close to my dad, not me as I was a child at the time. He would come over and play DnD with my dad and his friends. One night, his neighbors phoned the police as he was setting off “makeshift fireworks.” Eventually, police were able to search his place and found he had been planning on blowing up a Mosque and was inspired by Anders Behring Breivik, a Nazi. My dad gave witness evidence of a time when this friend offered him a stolen piece of wall from Hitler’s bunker.”
Another said, ‘When I found out that both my best friends from way back were being investigated for domestic terrorism.”
Unsettling Secrets about Friends
One crazy comment was, “One of my best friends was caught trying to meet up with a 13-year-old and was filmed and uploaded to YouTube.”
Alarming Addictions and Habits
A sad comment was, “My mom received birthday cards with money in them for years from her parents. She kept the cards with the money in them, saving to buy a piano/for sentimental reasons. My sister, who has repeatedly stolen from family members, found the collection of cards/money and took them. My mom only wanted the cards back when she realized what happened. My sister denied everything. F**** you, Emily.”
Another comment was, “He was not that close, but he was a friend and our veterinarian until he lost his license for doing all the ketamine that was supposed to be for the animals.”
Sinister Online Personas
A user commented, “Not quite as disturbing as others, but someone who I thought was a close friend that I considered a sister and could trust openly had a secret blog about how much she hated me.”
Troubling Mental Health Issues
One reader shared, “Found a scrapbook of my mom and a guy I didn’t recognize from her immediately post-college days. Turns out he was a long-term boyfriend of hers who killed himself when she broke up with him. My grandfather found his body. I learned at age 20 by finding the book/shrine to him.”
Another reader added, “My first boyfriend had psychosis and fantasies about physically harming people close to him. Found that out shortly after we broke up. He was scary either way, but that was crazy.”
Startling Financial Deceptions
A user said, “My great-grandmother was married to 3 different people at the same time. The men were from different branches of the military. She was collecting all three of their paychecks at a time.”
Disgusting Lies
A comment said, “My ex-girlfriend of 6 years admitted that she wasn’t raped. Her whole life identity was pretty much surrounded by her rape accusation. The $15,000 was put toward her therapy. Every time she was having a bad day, she’d blame the PTSD. Every time I had my buddies over, she’d want them gone because of PTSD. Whenever I went out, she wanted me back home because of PTSD. And to top it off, she faked “triggers.” Like she’d see a red Corvette and start flipping out. Because she said, the person who raped her drove a red Corvette. Absolutely nuts.”
Disturbing Health Conditions
A user replied, “My brother killed our cat on accident. He would pretend to do WWE and smack down. 3 days later kitty died. My brother is now a diagnosed psychopath. And is taking classes on empathy. He’s 22, did it when he was 11, and told me last year. Always knew he was odd, talking about death and stuff. The thing is, he said he knew what he was doing and told us other things he did to our cats. Our mom was pretty abusive to him growing up.”
Harrowing Military Stories
One user said, “My brother was a US military policeman 30 years ago. He recently admitted he wasn’t stationed in an undisclosable location while in the armed forces. Instead, he was actually in prison for manslaughter. He got into an off-duty drunken dispute in a bar. My baby brother beat a man with a pool cue, then stomped him to death when the bouncer told him and the victim to take it outside.”
Unveiling Infidelity
One reader shared, “After my husband died in 2020, I found out he had been having an affair with a 30-year-old, (he was 55). She apparently aborted his baby, everything he told me about his prior life was a lie (second marriage for both of us), and he had been having s**** with men since he was in his early 20s. To sum it up, I didn’t know this man at all. We had been together 10 years and married for 6.”
Sinister Death Stories
One user replied, “My vile aunt destroyed her third husband’s will, so she inherited everything, and his children got nothing.”
Disturbing Past Crimes
A terrifying comment was, “I wasn’t close to this person, but I did hang out with them a few times. The best man at my wedding had another really close friend who turned out to be a serial killer. It messed him up really badly. He already had mental health issues, and this sent him over the edge. I can’t even talk to him anymore.”
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