Unmasking Anger: Women Reveal How They Confront and Overcome their Anger Towards Men
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Do you experience anger towards men? If so, how do you manage and move past it? Despite there being many admirable men, it’s important to find ways to overcome this anger.
I came across an interesting question today that I’d never thought about before. How do you cope with anger towards men? After hundreds of women responded, these are the top-voted ways they manage.
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1. Radical Acceptance
“I practice radical acceptance,” explained one. “It’s hard to grasp because it entails things in the world you can’t change. Since there are so many societal issues, one person can only do so much.”
“I try to accept the things that are out of my control and live my life the way I want, ignoring the norms of today’s society.
2. Repeating Fights in My Head
Another confessed, “When I shower, a lot of my thought process entails repeating fights repeatedly in my head so that I can win. I have aggressive issues because of my trauma, so I must work through issues in my head as often as possible to feel confident in what I have to say.”
3. Avoid The Bad Ones
“I try to avoid men who are not worth my time,” one replied. “There are so many people in that world that getting hung up on every bad one you encounter is useless. Contrary to popular belief, there are good men in the world. You have to find them.”
4. Crocheting
“I crochet a lot to rid myself of negative energy from men. Since you make a stabbing motion with each crochet and continuously have to count to keep the project even, it is a great way to release all male-driven anger,” shared one.
5. Tell Them Off
One woman replied, “I tell men off who disrespect me. I will not allow any man to take my time talking about anything misogynistic, sexist, or wrong. I will never hold my tongue if a man disrespects me. Instead, I will teach my daughters and sons what respecting women means.”
6. Support From the Good Ones
“I have one male friend who has always made me feel better when I’m angry about something a man said or did,” confessed another.
“He allows me to vent to him about all my frustration, and he vents right alongside me because he knows what a woman deserves. Some men don’t know what they’re doing. It helps to have a mature man on your side.”
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7. Feminist Male Content Creators and Their Communities
“I follow some male content creators who are feminists because it makes me feel better to know that there are good men and communities of good men supporting each other,” one admitted.
“For the longest time, I hated men because of my trauma and experiences. Creators like that have helped me get through it.”
8. Sarcasm
“Sarcasm is a great coping mechanism. Whenever a man talks down to me or says something sexist, I make a sarcastic comment that may or may not hurt their ego. I will never let a man put me down simply because I am a woman,” confessed another.
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9. Angry Art
“I make angry art to show my disapproval of the sexist male ways,” one stated. “My art depicts my deepest emotions; one of the most significant is my anger for men who keep women down. I have always been taught to choose who I am and what I can do, so I live those words daily.”
10. Corny Songs
“I write corny songs about dumb experiences I’ve had with men,” admitted another. “Shortly after my second heartbreak, I found my songwriting capabilities.
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I also learned that men hate when others air their dirty laundry, especially to every other female in your school. I was popular with the women that year.”
Finally, one woman confirmed, “I’m not angry at billions of men. I am however angry at one male (cat) who just puked on my rug! Work on a growth mindset and find your peace.”
11. Many Aren’t Angry With Men
We have to note that there are many men out there who are wonderful and deserve recognition from their partners and the people around them.
“I am not angry with men. There are billions of them after all. Hating an entire group of people is very wrong. Especially since I am with such a kind, loving, and supportive man.”
“I do not have anger towards men. There are billions of men; being angry at all of them sounds fuc***g exhausting.”
“I vent to my very sweet partner when it gets too much who understands & tries his best to be an upstanding person. I have a lot of good men in my life willing to talk about stuff like this & I feel very lucky for that.”
Many comments were commending the good men in our world.
We hope you enjoyed this Reddit confessions list of how women deal with their anger toward men.
This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Motherhood Life Balance.
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