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Top 10 Ridiculous Phrases Men Are Sick of Women Saying

Top 10 Ridiculous Phrases Men Are Sick of Women Saying

Motherhood Life Balance

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I was browsing a popular internet forum when I encountered a fascinating question. What’s a phrase men hate hearing from women? Here are the top-voted responses men gave for their answers.

One user confessed, “This phrasing always makes me so anxious. I can’t always do the same thing, and sometimes I was to go out and enjoy my friends by myself.” ” I don’t understand why it always needs to turn into an argument. My girlfriend uses this phrase to guilt me into staying home with her. It was the worst.”

Go Ahead, Do Whatever You Want

I’m Fine

I’m Fine is my least favorite English phrase,” confessed one. “Since English is my second language, I expected that when a girl used the word fine, she meant everything was alright.

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“A response like this reads as passive-aggressive. I used to write “K” to reply quickly, but then I had a toxic girlfriend who typed it every time she didn’t get what she wanted,” admitted another.

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I Guess

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“I expect a simple answer when I ask a yes or no question,” one explained. “For example, when I ask my friends where they want to eat, they always answer yes or no to my inquiry.

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4. Ignorance + Arrogance

“A deadly duo of harmful mentalities, ignorance, and arrogance,” replied one. “As an RN, this has become far more prevalent since COVID, at least in medicine. Maybe I imagine things. I know anti-vax/alternative medicine people have always existed.”

Don’t Worry About It

Someone volunteered, “I always worry when someone says, ‘don’t worry about it.’ I have high anxiety, so whenever someone says this, I am left over-analyzing for days, if not weeks, after the fact.”

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Are You Even Listening To Me?

“When someone says this to me, every bone in my body tells me to say no, even if I have been fully listening,” admitted one. “My girlfriend says this whenever I’m working virtually or playing video games to wind down, even though I have always been an active listener.”

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