What Do People Really Think About Women Proposing to Men? 10 Honest Opinions From the Internet
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What is your opinion about women proposing to men? Several people from a popular internet forum weighed in on this question to deliver an authentic list of top-voted responses.
1. This Isn’t Hollywood
Someone asked, “Why not? Just remember, the real world is not Hollywood. So the discussion of marriage should have already been discussed before the actual proposal.” Another shared, “Happened to me. No complaints. It was 20 years ago. My now-wife said I want to marry you. I said, ok. That’s it.”
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2. It Makes a Man Feel Special
“I proposed to my boyfriend at the time. I don’t know if we’d talked about getting married before, and it just didn’t happen. He was finishing school, and I was working a lot. He had just finished his second to last semester, and we were relaxing at home. So I was like, ‘Hey, why don’t we just get married? Like soon?’ He was like, oh yeah.”
“So we got married in a small ceremony about two months later by a justice of the peace at my family’s home since we wanted to get it done before he started school again in the fall. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. We have been together for 11 years now and married for six,” one replied.
3. It’s a Win-Win
“I did,” shared one. “My fiancé posted his ring like the typical engagement pictures women take and post and was thrilled. Also, I got to pick out my ring after, so it was a win-win.”
Another expressed, “For us, it was that. We planned to get married before we were engaged so my now-husband could legally adopt my kiddo, and he joked to his friends that he wanted to get proposed to, so I made a move.”
4. Nothing Should Stop You
Someone volunteered, “I think that anyone should be able to propose. It’s a sweet moment, and nothing should stop it.” A second responded, “Sure, anybody should be able to, but nobody ever should in the traditional sense.”
“Deciding to marry should be a conversation, not an extravagant “proposal.” If one is to propose in the traditional sense, it should only be if it’s assumed or known to receive an affirmative.”
5. It’s So Unexpected
“I don’t expect that from anyone, but it’s something I think about a lot,” one man confessed. Another said, “Men are expected to propose and say that we want to marry them, and for the right person, I’d be more than happy to do that.”
“But the idea of someone liking me enough to propose to ME and saying they want to marry ME gives me butterflies. I’d love to be that important to someone,” another confessed.
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Finally, a third admitted, “I’m trying to imagine the feelings and shock of getting that formal proposal in a public setting. Like really? Will she disregard all those societal norms that put me on the spot and do it herself? She wants me THAT much? YES!”
6. The Proposer’s Gender Shouldn’t Matter
“It’s 2023. Change your mindset. Gender is irrelevant. You need to leap when you find the one you love. Because, honestly, at that point, what are you waiting for?” one asked. Another replied, “This is why I proposed to my husband. I wanted to give HIM that moment because it didn’t need to be for me. 10/10, no regrets.”
7. If a Man is Lucky Enough to Find a Woman Who Would
“My wife proposed to me. It was great that she felt she could be the one to ask, and I love that she did, and after 47 years, I still do,” one confessed. “She told me last week that she would propose to me all over again. I am so lucky.”
A second suggested, “If a woman finds a man she wants to date, propose to, kiss first, whatever, then she should do it. The world would be better if, rather than women giving men clues on what they want to do, they’d just come out and say it.”
8. Mixed Feelings About the Situation
“I asked my boyfriend about this, and he said he would be honored if I asked him,” admitted one. But at the same time, he was a little sad because he would’ve wanted to do it himself. So best case scenario, we accidentally propose at the same time?”
“Imagine that conversation… you’re both nervous but excited about asking, then one of you finally gets to saying it, only to find out the other one wants the same thing at the same time… sheesh,” another joked.
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9. It’s the Same Thing Both Ways Across
“I proposed to my better half, and it felt natural and easy. He said heck yeah. He was also planning on proposing, but I beat him to it,” shared one.
“Anyone who wants to propose should propose. That is all. My boyfriend and I already know we will get married sooner than later. So it won’t matter who asks if it’s the right person,” said another.
10. Someone Has to Do It
“I was told that if I didn’t propose that she would. I don’t mind it, and it’s hot when a woman is assertive. She’s the one that mentioned getting engaged and married, and I am here for it,” one answered.
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“My wife got down on one knee and proposed to me old style (yes, I’m a man). That was 25 years ago, and we’re so happy it makes other people puke,” a final user confessed.
We hope you enjoyed this Reddit opinions list of how people feel about women proposing to men. This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Motherhood Life Balance.
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Image Credit: Depositphotos – EdZbarzhyvetsky