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10 Simple Reasons Why People Do Not Want To Have Kids

10 Simple Reasons Why People Do Not Want To Have Kids

Motherhood Life Balance

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Some people grow up knowing they want kids and can’t wait to become a mom or dad. Others decide they don’t want to have kids and would rather live their life for themselves or their significant other.

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Either decision is completely fine, and no one should feel the pressure to or not to have kids. Everyone has their own reasons. So, for people who don’t want kids, what are the reasons?

One Redditor wrote, “Kids are a lifelong commitment to raise and care for another human, and I don’t think I’m capable of handling that. I like kids, but I don’t think I could raise one well, so I’m not going to try.”


Raised Siblings

A comment read, “I grew up with a brother 10 years younger than I am. Went from changing his diapers to teaching him how to mod Minecraft..."

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"...Left to go to college. I call him nearly every night, and we still watch anime and play video games together through discord calls. I already had my kid. He’s called my little brother. Just wish I had understood my family’s financial situation sooner.”

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A user responded, “I struggle with anxiety and anger issues, and I wouldn’t want to pass that on to my child or have them have to grow up dealing with my anxieties and anger episodes. I just couldn’t do it, and it wouldn’t be fair to them..."

Mental Health Traits

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"...Plus it was really expensive. I’d rather have a life of peace and quiet and travel to figure myself out. To the moms: you guys are tough saints.”

One Redditor replied, “I like freedom and money.” A second Redditor added, “I also like sleep and travel.”


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