222 Things to Be Thankful For Hack: Quick Mood Boost for Working Moms
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You’re a busy working mom on a good day and then you have a day like this…..Your car wouldn’t start, you were late to work, you spilled coffee on your white shirt – and that’s just the beginning. On days like this, it might feel hard to find things to be thankful for.
You try to stay positive, but it seems like everything is going wrong. You’re frustrated and angry and just want to curl up under a blanket and give up.
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Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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But even on your worst day, there are still things to be grateful for. Maybe you had a good breakfast this morning, or you got some exercise yesterday. Maybe your dog is being extra affectionate today.
Your kiddos did something cute this morning and they’re not completely driving you crazy.
You have a job, a roof over your head, and good health – despite today’s setbacks, you still have so much to be thankful for. Whatever it is, focus on the positive and try to see the silver lining in every situation.
Being thankful it’s just for thanksgiving. Gratitude is a very powerful tool that you can use to find more balance in your life and raise your frequency.
The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
According to Harvard Health gratitude is strongly connected to happiness. It also helps you with your health, relationships, and ability to get through harder times.
Taking a moment each day to think of the things you have to be thankful for has many benefits that we don’t always appreciate. Gratitude opens you up to feeling better and looking at things in a more positive way.
Writing lists of things that you are thankful for is a great way to help you feel better and gain some clarity on the things you do have and the blessings you have right now.
Keeping a Gratitude Journal
Keeping a journal full of the things you are thankful for is a great way to implement the healthy habit of gratitude. Anytime you feel like you need a moment of quiet and a quick mood boost grab your journal and write out some things you’re grateful for.
It doesn’t have to be big things, anything at all will help you shift your mood. You can write down things from indoor plumbing to friendships. Your favorite ice cream or something your kids did that made you smile.
Gratitude lists are a very impactful way of raising your frequency and vibration.
Here are 123 things to be thankful for in life. From the little things, like hot coffee on a cold morning, to the big things, like our health and loved ones, there’s plenty to be grateful for.
Being thankful can help shift you out of feeling sad or down. So let’s start creating a gratitude list right here.
No matter what we’re facing, we can always find something to appreciate. So let’s take a moment to reflect on all the good in our lives, and send some thank-you notes to the universe! Let’s fill our lives with feelings of gratitude, let’s be more thankful, boost our self-esteem and feel grateful for all that we have.
- The ability to make a difference in the world, however big or small.
- Air conditioning.
- Good friends.
- Clean water.
- A best friend who is always there for you, no matter what.
- Making that last payment on a big loan.
- The feeling of sand between your toes.
- Making someone else’s day just by being yourself.
- The sound of waves crashing against the shore.
- The sight of the oceans.
- Healthy food.
- Your grandparents.
- Surprises.
- A really comfortable pair of sweatpants.
- Hot cocoa on a cold night.
- Childhood memories.
- Freshly baked cookies.
- Fuzzy kittens.
- Watching a baby giggle.
- The feeling of finally crossing something off your to-do list.
- A good book that transports you to another world.
- A delicious home-cooked meal.
- Fresh bed sheets straight out of the dryer.
- Running into an old friend unexpectedly.
- Sweet kisses from your kids.
- The fresh clean air.
- The sound of the leave in the wind.
- Not having to dress up or go anywhere on a Saturday.
- Getting a package in the mail.
- Accomplishing a difficult task.
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
- A spontaneous dance party.
- A pet that greets you at the door with lots of love.
- A sunny day after a string of rainy ones.
- Watching your children learn from their mistakes.
- Laughing until your stomach hurts.
- Receiving compliments from others.
- Giving compliments to others – and making their day.
- A hot shower after a long day.
- Cuddling with a loved one.
- A relaxing bubble bath.
- Sleeping in on a Saturday morning.
- Experiencing different cultures.
- Tacos.
- Spending time outdoors in nature.
- Watching the sunset (or sunrise).
- Curling up with a blanket and watching a movie.
- Finding money you didn’t know you had.
- Learning something new.
- Hearing someone say, “I love you.”
- Saying, “I love you,” and meaning it from the bottom of your heart.
- Forgiving someone who has wronged you – and letting go of anger and resentment.
- Being forgiven by someone you have wronged.
- Accepting yourself – flaws and all.
- Learning to let go of things that are out of your control.
- Making snow angels.
- Discovering your hidden talent.
- Completing a project you’ve been procrastinating on.
- Listening to someone when they need to talk.
- Making progress towards your goals.
- Helping others achieve their goals.
- A day without stress or worries.
- Being surrounded by positive people.
- Doing something outside your comfort zone.
- Trying something new and unexpectedly liking it.
- Spending time with family and friends.
- Making new memories with those you love.
- Holidays and special occasions spent with loved ones.
- The smell of rain in the air.
- Flowers blooming in springtime.
- Feeling proud of yourself for sticking to your convictions.
- Realizing how far you’ve come.
- Having the courage to be yourself.
- Being accepted for who you are.
- The generosity of others.
- Random acts of kindness.
- Receiving help when you need it.
- Helping others in need.
- The knowledge that we all have the power to make a difference in this world.
- Feeling connected to something larger than yourself.
- Being part of a community.
- Be thankful for your trials and challenges – they make you stronger and more resilient.
- For the people in your life who love and support you, even when you’re going through tough times.
- For your health, even when you’re feeling under the weather.
- For a roof over your head and food on the table, even when money is tight.
- Perspective – the ability to see things from different angles and learn from other people’s experiences.
- The natural beauty of our planet Earth.
- The laughter of a child.
- Your favorite chocolate.
- The sun shining on our faces.
- The ability to laugh, even when life is tough.
- The ability to love, even when we’ve been hurt.
- The strength to keep going, even when we’re tired.
- Hot coffee on a cold morning.
- The people in our lives who make us smile.
- The chance to make new friends and reconnect with old ones.
- Freedom to be ourselves.
- The knowledge that we all have the potential to be kind, compassionate and loving beings.
- The knowledge that we all have the power to make a difference in this
- The opportunity to learn and grow.
- The beauty of creativity and imagination.
- Kindness, both from others and within ourselves.
- Compassion, for ourselves and others.
- Patience, when things are tough.
- Gratitude, for all the good in our lives.
- Forgiveness, even when we make mistakes.
- The chance to start each day anew.
- A helping hand, when we need it.
- A kind word, when we’re feeling down.
- The beauty of a sunset.
- The stars shining bright at night.
- The sound of rain on a roof.
- A supportive network of family and friends.
- The freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life the way you want to.
- A stable job or source of income.
- A roof over your head.
- Running water and other basic amenities.
- Access to education and opportunities to learn and grow.
- The chance to travel and explore new places.
- The ability to make choices.
- The opportunity to turn difficult situations into learning experiences.
- The hope that the future will be better than the past.
- The knowledge that we can always make a difference, in our own lives and in the lives of others.
- The knowledge that we are all connected, and that everything we do affects everything else.
- A positive attitude.
- Your aunts.
- Your parents.
- Mentors that you see on social media.
- cousins that are like siblings.
- Calm Sunday mornings.
- Home-cooked meals.
- Getting a good night’s sleep.
- Good hair days.
- Uncontrollable laughter from a child.
- Kindness from strangers.
- Hugs.
- Exercise and time outdoors.
- Pets who bring us joy and unconditional love.
- Music that moves us and helps us express our emotions.
- Downtime to relax and recharge.
- The chance to give back and help others.
- The knowledge that we’re not alone, no matter what we’re going through.
- The chance to wake up each day and experience another day.
Financial Things to Be Thankful For
- Running water.
- Plumbing.
- Money for food.
- A job that pays you.
- A roof over your head.
- Toilets that work.
- Electricity.
- Bills that you can pay.
- Taxes that clear your roads and pay employees.
- Savings
- Investments.
Things to be Thankful for In Nature
- Trees.
- Oceans.
- Beaches.
- Mountains.
- The Wind and breeze.
- Valleys.
- The stillness.
- Nature paths you can walk.
- A walk with someone you care about.
- A trip to the park.
Being Thankful Improves Your Mindset
Your mindset is a powerful thing. It can change the way you see things. It can help you accomplish amazing things and it really is the key to the reality that you live. Gratitude and reminding yourself of everything you’re thankful for the help you get into a mindset that will keep you motivated and excited to reach your goals.
Using Affirmations to Boost Your Mindset
Affirmations are another great way to increase your frequency and help you feel good about your life and your goals. Reciting affirmations will help your mindset. If you say something enough times you will start to believe it and your actions will reflect that.
What are Things You’re Thankful For?
It’s not always easy to be thankful for the bad things, but it’s important to remember that everything happens for a reason. You may not have control over everything that happens, but you can always choose how you react. So take a deep breath and remember that this too shall pass. There’s always something to be thankful for, even on the toughest days.
We hope you use this list on your good days and bad days. Practicing gratitude will always help you feel better and see things in a more positive light.
What are you thankful for? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.
As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.