Here’s How to Manifest Money Today – Even if You’re Not a Believer
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Does money buy happiness? No. Will more money help you reduce stress and reach specific goals? Yes. Does more money make life easier? Probably.
If you’re here, you want to make more money and learn more about manifesting money.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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Let’s dive right in. I know you’re busy and probably have many things on your mind.
Do I believe in the power of manifestation? Hell yes, I do. Have I manifested millions? Not yet. Here’s what I know. Money is energy. We are energy. By matching the energy of money and aligning ourselves with the same frequency, we can manifest any amount of money we want.
You have financial goals you want to have met. Maybe you are not enjoying your financial situation. You might have a negative money mindset for many reasons, and this could be blocking your financial success.
How do you feel when you look at your credit card debt? How do you feel when you pay a bill? If the feelings are negative, we have some work to do, and I’ll show you what to do.
Our belief inside ourselves is magical and can help us manifest money. There is no doubt. What can be tricky is getting yourself to believe in the power of your mindset and the fact that you can have any amount of money you want. We need to eliminate any limiting beliefs that we might have to manifest money.
For many people, a little extra cash in hand wouldn’t hurt. A little less debt wouldn’t hurt. An emergency savings fund would be ideal. A retirement fund would be a dream, but with the cost of living increasing and salaries staying where they are, it is sometimes difficult to imagine that one could have all I just mentioned.
The worries and thoughts that come with financial hardship make it hard to attract more money into our lives. Money manifesting means we must learn how to control the unpleasant thoughts that come to our minds when we have to pay our bills or open up our bank accounts.
What if I told you that you have the power to deliberately create and attract wealth to achieve the goals you have set out for yourself or your family by tapping into your subconscious mind and changing the way you think?
This is the essence of manifestation. But what is manifestation? The true definition can sound a bit technical, but ultimately it is the desire to create your life as you would like it to be.
It goes hand in hand with spirituality and is an exercise in setting clear intentions, asking specifically for what you want, visualizing and believing in what you want, and then accepting the gift of opportunity that helps you attain your goals and dreams.
It is not an overnight, quick-fix solution. It takes time and effort, and patience. Manifesting money means using the constant affirmation that money is limitless and is always available to you at any time.
Manifestation and the idea that you have the power to create the life you have always wanted has become something many people have turned to; to achieve their goals, dreams, and desires. The most successful people speak at length about positive thinking, the power of intention and visualization, and the importance of gratitude.
Keep a gratitude journal handy, so you can use it anytime you feel like you need a boost in frequency.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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The Law of Attraction and Money
The law of attraction helps us to manifest money. By keeping our thoughts on an abundance of money and using positive affirmations about the money, you become a money magnet and keep setting out high vibrations, which lead to…… you guessed it—more money.
These practices have helped them build a life of abundance and prosperity; they have helped them become best-selling authors, world-renown musicians, and actors.
These activities have even helped people invent incredible things making them millionaires overnight and creating a life of financial freedom.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Manifestation is not an overnight, quick-fix solution. It takes time, effort, patience, and the strength to look at setbacks as positive growth experiences.
Here is where the need to change your thoughts comes into play. But we will discuss that in further detail a little bit later.
As you can see, I’m not talking about your finances and whether or not you pay off your monthly credit card bill. I’m not talking about how much is in your emergency fund or what you do with your paycheck.
That stuff is not what we’re talking about, and you’re not going to find budgeting tips and savings strategies here.
I’m talking about something much more profound and can significantly impact your life. There’s more to money than saving, paying bills, and spending. Money is energy, and the energy you give it is so vital.
How to Manifest Money – 6 Steps
Let’s get into steps that you can take to start manifesting money right now. Like I said above, this isn’t just saying you’re going to be a millionaire, and then you don’t take any steps towards that goal.
There is work to do, intentional work that works if you let it. It would help if you created good habits to keep yourself open to money and its frequency. It’s not magic, but once you are in the practice of manifesting money, it feels magical.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
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Let go of Limiting Beliefs.
Do you have beliefs that might be stopping you from manifesting money? Do you believe that rich people are evil? Do you believe that more money means more problems? Do you think that you will be a target if you become rich? These are just some examples of some limiting beliefs you might have.
Take some time to think about your belief that could prevent you from living an abundant life.
Write down your limiting beliefs and then debunk them.
For example, Limiting Belief: Being rich will make me a target for burglars. Debunk: More money will allow me to spend more on security. It will help me feel safe.
Limiting belief: Rich people are evil. Debunk: Rich people can make a positive difference in people’s lives.
Money doesn’t make people evil, money is an amplifier. You will do good with your money if you are a good person.
Do this to the limiting beliefs that could be holding you back. Use positive conclusions to help you let go of those money blocks.
Setting Intentions
What is intention setting?
It is like planning an extensive European backpacking adventure and setting out in detail each destination you would like to visit, where you will stay, where you will eat, what route you will take to get there, how long it will take, and how long will you stay.
Setting your intentions requires you to be specific.
It’s not enough to say I will become a millionaire.
It’s not enough to say you will work hard. What will you do to make you work hard to become a millionaire? I don’t mean work 24/7. What actionable, intuitive action will you take to get you there?
Is it writing the book you have always dreamed of writing? Followed by a North American book tour, being interviewed about your book, and the manuscript turned into a movie? Get the picture?
It needs to be specific, and I understand that it can be hard to be specific regarding intention setting. But trust me, it can only work when it is straightforward.
It would help if you asked specific questions about the need for more money. Is it a matter of making more money? Or is it that you want to buy something specific such as a car or a house, or is it to become debt-free?
I like to set my intentions using the 5 W’s, who, what, where, when, and why. Asking these questions is an excellent start, as you must be specific in your answers.
Writing your intentions down makes those intentions real. Saying them is not enough. Writing them down in a sacred place such as a journal or on a piece of paper that you tape to your mirror or refrigerator door allows us to remember what we strive to attain.
Journalling and seeing what we write works as a reminder of the opportunities that are presenting themselves to us. It’s a reminder to stay grounded, motivated, and keep negativity at bay.
Who is the money manifestation for? It could be you, your family, your spouse, your children, or your best friend.
What is it for? It could be for anything that you truly want and deserve in your life.
Where? It might be challenging because you must consider where this abundance comes from. Is it a new job? Is it a bonus from work? Is it a lottery win?
When? Another toughie because manifestation is not a quick-fix solution like I had mentioned before. However, that doesn’t mean that it can’t happen.
In most cases, it will take time. So, be realistic when you manifest abundance but be super clear. Have conversations as if you’ve already manifested what you want. Picture yourself using meditation already in that place where your manifestations are a reality.
The other thing I add is How. How will I give back to those around me? How will I share my wealth? How will I show my gratitude? You can’t take from the Universe without showing gratitude and paying it forward. The Universe rewards those who give back.
This guideline can help start the process of intentions setting for wealth or anything else you desire to manifest.
Remember to be specific in your intentions and understand that sometimes the outcome you want is not the outcome you achieve. We will talk more about this.
Envisioning your abundance goals as reality is another part of the manifesting process. Visualization helps you create the reality you see for yourself.
Ask any successful person in your life or read about how your favorite athlete got to the level of success they are at, and they will tell you the visualized every step of the way.
Most pro athletes visualize their wins before a game, tournament, or match.
Visualizing a life without debt, where you are not worried about finances, where you own your home or have the means to take the dream vacation with your family is very easy.
The commitment to the visualization is the hard part. Just like intention setting, visualization is an ongoing process that you come back to daily.
I like to take a few minutes after my alarm has woken me and visualize what my day will look like and also visualize my bigger wealth goals. I do this daily to change my mindset and ensure the conscious mind is on the same frequency as the subconscious.
It also starts my day with positive energy, even if I have had a night where I didn’t sleep well or if I have awoken to a dreary, rainy day.
I’ll share a little secret that I’ve learned from Amanda Frances, author of Rich as Fu*&. (a fantastic book, by the way ) You want to feel goosebumps
The biggest takeaway with visualization is that you cannot waiver in what you see.
You can’t visualize any home. You need to see the two-story house, painted white, with an arched doorway and a black door with a six-paned window inset. A two-car garage is attached, with a wraparound porch, an old oak tree out front, a rectangular pool in the back, and a treehouse and swing set.
You see where I am going with this.
Just like your intentions, your visualization needs to be specific.
Create a Vision or Dream Board
Creating a vision or dream board is another fantastic tool that keeps your dreams and goals at the forefront of your internal thoughts.
This exercise includes taking quotes or sayings, pictures of dream vacation destinations or homes, or numbers reflecting the amount you want to see in your bank account and placing them on a board or in a frame. You would then place it somewhere you can see and acknowledge it daily.
Your vision board does not have to be stagnant. You can add to it or take from it depending on the goals you have achieved or want to achieve. Your dream board can mirror your dream life and the life you want to live now. Your dream board can be reflective of anything you want in life.
This is a fun exercise you can do with your family or yourself.
Stay Neutral
Staying neutral when manifesting is an essential part of the process. What do I mean by this?
Staying neutral means letting go of the outcome and releasing the energy you put into the desired result. You need to open up and accept the opportunities that present themselves to you.
Sounds crazy, right? After all my talk about being specific in your intention setting, visualization, and dream boards, I am now telling you that it may not happen the way you dreamed.
The Law of Neutrality wants us to take a step back and view a frustrating, chaotic, or worrisome situation from an observer’s point of view. When we “want” something, it’s because we are lacking. “Want” comes from the Ego, not from our higher self. “Want” is not abundance. “Want” is the overnight, quick-fix solution.
When we let go of the outcome of what our Ego wants, things naturally start to fall into place. It may not be the home you visualized or the job on your dream board. But it could be an opportunity you didn’t know you were looking for.
Maybe it’s the chance to buy a smaller home for your family with a backyard in which your kids can run around right now.
Or it may be the stepping stone you needed to get into the company that you dreamed of, in a role that might be a lower level but comes with the opportunity for advancement.
Staying neutral and letting go of the outcome allows you to see the opportunities waiting for you. This is the first step in achieving the abundance of wealth you desire.
Let the Timing go
Along with staying neutral, you also need to let go of timelines. Manifesting wealth and abundance takes time.
For the lucky few, it can happen overnight. But those lucky few are the exception. For many of us, this process can take years. And the frustration that comes with this is our Ego speaking. Our Ego wants it to happen now. Our Ego wants what we dream of and will not accept anything else—our ego fuels impatience and negativity when things don’t go our way.
Letting go of the timelines does not mean you don’t set a timeline for certain things, such as obtaining a degree, getting a promotion, or having a set amount in your bank account. It just means the ability to accept that it’s okay if your timeline has come and gone. It does not mean it won’t happen.
The Universe says, “this isn’t the right time.” The Universe asks you to trust, stay the course and continue manifesting your dreams.
Your entire being starts to vibrate on a higher frequency by accepting this. As a result, your belief system starts to change, and you begin to attract abundance in ways you least expected it.
Letting the How it Will Happen Go.
Fretting about how you will get the money you need, the job you desire, or the promotion you’ve been working hard for is hard to let go of.
This worry has been ingrained in pretty much all of us since childhood. Learning to trust is the hardest part of this process.
But when you trust, you let go, and you are open to receiving all the abundance, financial freedom, and wealth the Universe knows you deserve.
Trusting and receiving also means being open to help when it presents itself. It means showing gratitude when your in-laws come to you and say, “we want to help you with your down payment or buy you new furniture.”
When we force the how or are not open to receiving, the opportunities may not present themselves, and our frustration begins to grow. Finally, our Ego has won, and we essentially tell the Universe that we don’t trust ourselves.
Staying neutral and letting go are the basis of the Law Attraction. You focus on letting things happen in your life naturally by letting go.
When you suddenly release all worry, fear, and control to the Universe, you are open to the possibilities that the Universe presents you.
You begin to attract money, abundance, wealth, and prosperity. Joy and Happiness. Love. Success. Your vibrational alignment is achieved. And you can accomplish all that you have desired, wished for, and truly deserve.
What you focus your energy on is what you will attract. For example, if you attract self-doubt, negativity, or unworthiness, this is what you will draw in life.
On the other hand, if you focus on positivity, good, self-worth, prosperity, abundance, and love, this is what you will attract.
From Blah to Bliss
Are you tired of putting your goals on the back burner? Are you ready to take the steps to make your dreams come true, all while being the best mom you can be? Here’s your first step to refocusing on your goals.
FREE 5 Day Email Mindset Launchpad
More Tips for Manifesting Money
A few more things you can do to stay in that money manifesting mindset is to use money affirmations to stay motivated.
When you are making purchases stay neutral or in a state of gratefulness. If you are spending money on bills, remind yourself that you are grateful for it. Whenever you spend money, pay attention to how you feel.
Use Money Affirmations
“Money comes easily to me.”
“I am a money magnet.”
“Money is limitless and is always flowing easily to me.”
Try to gain clarity and be super focused on what you want and what your money goals are. Keeping an abundance mindset might not come naturally, but with time and by implementing some things in this post, you will see that it comes easier and easier with time.
Practice with Crystals
I love using crystals to help me stay grounded and feel good, and they help me find calmness in my day-to-day.
Attend Workshops
There are some fantastic coaches and workshops you can take on manifesting and money manifesting. My faves are Kathrine from Manifestation Babe and Amanda Frances, author of Rich as F*ck. They both have excellent courses you can find on Instagram.
Like attracts Like. Try to keep negative thoughts at bay and keep a positive mindset as much as possible.
Norman Vincent Peale once said, “If you change your thoughts, you change your world.”
Manifestation, intention setting, and vision board creation change your thoughts, your beliefs, and what is your status quo. When this changes, the world truly becomes your oyster.
As a full-time working mom of three, I know what it’s like to feel like life is out of balance and out of control.
While I don’t have it all figured out, I am committed to sharing helpful tips and tricks with other mommas who are ready to break free from negativity, ditch mom guilt, & finally, live life on their own terms.